Twitch streamer Neuro-sama roasts Veibae on Mizkif’s show

After becoming a guest on Mizkif's 'Parasocial' Twitch show, popular VTuber Veibae was roasted by AI broadcaster Neuro-sama. Here are all the specifics on this recognizable clap-back.
Some of the best Twitch streaming moments can be found in the channel's videos. With Mizkif and his adored online game show, Parasocial, this absolutely rings true. Several streamers, like VTubers and others, participate in his competition.
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Why was Veibae roasted?
On April 19, Mizkif pitted prominent VTubers like Nyanners, Snuffy, and Veibae against well-known streamers like Aethel, Roflgator, Sodapoppin, and Tectone. The part also featured Neuro-sama, a budding AI streamer who contributed some surprising lines to the program.
At one point, Neuro-sama was addressed by VTuber Veibae, who compared the AI streamer to herself by mentioning their similarities. In a hilarious turn of events, Neuro-sama responded with a roast that neither the cast nor the audience had anticipated.
During the Twitch broadcast, Veibae took the time to say that Neuro-sama was just like a real VTuber. When Neuro-sama first reacted, it appeared like the interaction between the streamers would be positive. The AI continued to communicate, and things swiftly changed.
'Both love playing games'
The initial response from Neuro-sama was to concur that the two streams are similar in that they "both love playing games" and "both get a little bit anxious sometimes." "We're so similar," continued the AI streamer.
The other streamers, including well-known VTubers like Nyanners and Snuffy, started giggling as a result. In response to Veibae's disbelief, she said that Neuro-sama was not referring to her and "that was not directed at me, dude!"
The study by Neuro-sama, Aethel continued the roast, was "very accurate." Neuro-sama also spoke out at the conclusion of the conversation to declare that there was "nothing to hide." The brutal exchange was well received by the audience, who flooded the chat to applaud the AI streamer's comment as Veibae was "pwned."