Donald Trump Jr slammed for saying dad praised world leaders in order to 'play' them

Donald Trump Jr dropped an odd five-minute bizarre rant on Wednesday, March 9, titled, 'The Truth: Trump Proved Everyone Wrong About Russia!'. In the video posted to Rumble, Trump Jr said his father, former President Donald Trump, praised world leaders like China's Xi Jinping, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, and Russia's Vladimir Putin only to "play" them.
In the five-minute video, Trump Jr argued that his father "knew that flattering that man [Putin] would get you a lot more than calling him out and embarrassing him on a world stage. So my father understands that, you know, men will blow up deals over ego. I’ve seen it my whole life, and my father’s certainly seen it. Because he’s dealt with powerful, egotistical people his entire life. He’s built a brand around dealing with those people. World leaders aren’t any different."
'Gonna crash worse than his airlines': Trump Jr trolled for sharing Donald Trump's Truth post
Trump Jr further said, "You call out a leader. You embarrass him, an ego-maniacal kind of person, whether it’s Putin, whether it’s Kim Jong-Un […] You call them out on a world stage and you embarrass them, what do you think is going to happen?." "Maybe Trump understood that. He knew exactly how to play these guys and he played it like a fiddle", he added while also noting that his father's flattery of foreign leaders was not an act of "capitulation."
More recently, Trump has been slammed by numerous parties, including veteran diplomats for calling Putin's justification for invading Ukraine as "savvy" and "genius". Trump Jr's comments come two weeks into the war between Russia and Ukraine and a week after Trump condemned invasion of Ukraine. Trump said Russia has "to stop killing these people" and the attacks are a "Holocaust." Republicans have mostly been united in standing against Putin, with former Vice President Mike Pence saying, "There is no room in this party for apologists for Putin."
Meanwhile, critics condemned Trump Jr's appearance and high energy in the five-minute bizarre rant posted on Rumble and circulated widely on Twitter. Ron Filipkowski joked that it was his fiancee’s birthday, writing, "It’s Guilfoyle’s birthday, so Junior [Trump Jr.] got into the party supplies early." Ron further said, "Jr. claims that daddy only praised Putin and Kim because he was using psychological warfare on them." Another wrote, "@DonaldJTrumpJr I know that nobody loves you enough to tell you this, but you need to get help, and fast. You can only maintain this of manic before you’re going to crash hard. And I can’t there’s much of a septum left in your head. I saw something similar with my uncles."
A third added, "Junior, you moronic, f*cked up Coke Head! Either get your shit wired or someone in that hideous excuse for a family needs to get you into a treatment center." The Twitter user further wrote, "Good Lord, your kids may stumble on these batshit clips of yours and say, 'Mom, is that dad?' He isn't making any sense." A fourth added, "This bizarrely energetic diatribe is brought to you by coke. For Junior, it's the real thing." A fifth said, "This is why you should always do your drugs in moderation, kids. Restraint is key." A sixth added, "Junior really needs to cut back on the coke and get therapy to realize that daddy will never love him."
It’s Guilfoyle’s birthday, so Junior got into the party supplies early. He claims that daddy only praised Putin and Kim because he was using psychological warfare on them: “He knew exactly how to play these guys, and he played them like a fiddle!”
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) March 9, 2022
.@DonaldJTrumpJr I know that nobody loves you enough to tell you this, but you need to get help, and fast. You can only maintain this of manic before you’re going to crash hard. And I can’t there’s much of a septum left in your head. I saw something similar with my uncles
— The Right Honorable Dirk of Weezil 🥵 (@DirkWeezil) March 11, 2022
Junior, you moronic, f*cked up Coke Head! Either get your shit wired or someone in that hideous excuse for a family needs to get you into a treatment center. Good Lord, your kids may stumble on these batshit clips of yours and say, "Mom, is that dad? He isn't making any sense."
— When nothing goes right, go left! (@janinelson_lea) March 11, 2022
This bizarrely energetic diatribe is brought to you by coke. For Junior, it's the real thing.
— Bill Auclair 😷💉🔅 (@bill_auclair) March 11, 2022
This is why you should always do your drugs in moderation, kids. Restraint is key.
— The Good Doctor STANDS WITH UKRAINE (@0FrancisFurter0) March 10, 2022
Junior really needs to cut back on the coke and get therapy to realize that daddy will never love him.
— Jim B (@jimmyb928) March 10, 2022