'Titans' Season 2 finale delivers both tragedy and triumph with the fall of Donna Troy and the rise of Dick Grayson

'Titans' Season 2 has finally come to an end with Episode 13 'Nightwing'. As promised, we finally got to see Dick Grayson (Brenton Thwaites) don the Nightwing suit and all the storylines of the season have finally been wrapped up.
The Nightwing outfit was the highlight of the episode, as it should be considering how long we've been waiting to see it. Thwaites' performance as Nightwing is a far cry from his Robin, with a lot more flexibility, speed, and overall coolness.
'Nightwing' was also the show's funniest episode yet, with a very casual sense of humor that won't make you laugh out loud but will surely draw out a chuckle. The humor doesn't overpower the drama but it does lighten it considerably, which is good because the episode had plenty of drama to go around.
Though Dick's return to the team and their victory over both Deathstroke / Slade Wilson (Esai Morales) and Mercy Graves (Natalie Gumede) were extremely happy moments, Episode 13 also brought tragedy with the death of Conor Leslie's beloved character Donna Troy / Wonder Girl. Donna was one of the best characters introduced on the show and seeing her die protecting innocent lives... well, it's the death she would have wanted but that doesn't make us any less heartbroken.
There's always the chance that she might be resurrected at some point next season. In fact, that's exactly what Rachel Roth / Raven (Teagan Croft) is planning on doing. But in the meantime, her death comes as a harsh blow just when the team was finally getting the happiness they deserve.
All things considered, 'Nightwing' was a solid episode though perhaps not the best of the season. It does tie up most loose ends and deliver some hard-hitting moments while also setting things up for the coming season, which we're already eagerly waiting for.
'Titans' Season 3 is expected to arrive on DC Universe sometime in the fall of 2020.