'This Is Us' Season 6 Episode 14: Did Kevin sleep with someone at Kate's wedding?

NBC’s blockbuster drama series ‘This Is Us’ is slowly inching toward its end and last week we saw how Rebecca struggled with Alzheimer’s. Even though, she remembered the song but it was painful to see how she was missing Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) and seeing him in Kevin (Justin Hartley). However, things got interesting when it was found that Kevin might have had a romantic adventure while his sister was getting married.
So, there are three women that were on the radar: Arielle (Katie Lowes), Cassidy (Jennifer Morrison), and Sophie (Alexandra Breckenridge). The episode primarily focused on Kevin spending time with Sophie and trying to rekindle their relationship. Sophie has arrived for the wedding and Rebecca (Mandy Moore) still thinks that she and Kevin are still married. Sophie doesn’t break her heart and says that everything is going great between her and Kevin. Kevin was about to talk to her when Arielle arrives and acts like she is Kevin’s fan. She does that because Phillip’s creepy relative Oliver has been flirting with her. So, to get away from him, she does that.
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Sophie and Kevin finally talk when it was found that the airport lost her bag. So, they go shopping and Sophie takes an unclaimed green dress from the cleaners. A few moments later, we get to know that Sophie and Grant are divorced now. She revealed that she loved him a lot, but he didn’t turn out to be what she thought he was. Meanwhile, Kevin revealed that his dating life is going downhill and he is not able to find someone special. After sitting at the bonfire, the magical moment arrived when the couple finally kissed each other and when we thought that they are finally going to end up together. Sophie just took a step back thinking that they have a lot of history and she has taken him with her in every aspect of her life. She said, “I’m never going to be able to fast forward through you.”
Kevin said the same thing and wanted to be together, but for some reason, she can’t do this.

After that encounter, she meets Arielle, the wedding singer, and had a conversation with her. She wrote some lyrics for him and he called it a night. While returning, he talked to Uncle Nicky and told him that he might be done with love. As he was entering his room, Cassidy comes and says that she wants some help with her dress. Kevin helps her and she uses his bathroom to change her dress. In the process, Cassidy leaves her robe and her bra in the room. If you remember, in the previous episode, that’s what Madison and Beth found in his room.
Randall asks him what happened to him last night and Kevin tells him that Sophie is single again. Meanwhile, Sophie tells Rebecca that her song was amazing. She asks Sophie if everything was alright and called her son an “idiot”, but she also said that he is an amazing man. On the other hand, Randall said that “Sophie and him together” made sense.
So, Sophie and Kevin talk and it’s time for Sophie to give the speech. She said that they both are the best versions of themselves. She also revealed that she wants Kevin to love the woman she is now and not she was. Sophie freaked out last night because she didn’t want them to fall out again.

The episode ended with Kevin telling Sophie that he has “always” carried her with himself and kissed each other. The entire Pearson Family applauded when they kissed each other.