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'The Trust: A Game of Greed' contestant Tolu Ekundare receives backlash for 'trying to play a victim'

'The Trust: A Game of Greed' contestant Tolu Ekundare faced issues with multiple players on the Netflix show
UPDATED JAN 11, 2024
Tolu Ekundare is a contestant in 'The Trust: A Game of Greed' (Netflix)
Tolu Ekundare is a contestant in 'The Trust: A Game of Greed' (Netflix)

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, CARIBBEAN: 'The Trust: A Game of Greed' Season 1 contestant Tolu Ekundare played her strategies on the Netflix show to win the hearts of her co-stars to avoid elimination. However, she was left upset with the contestants, especially, Juelz Morgan and Simone Stewart.

During the first 'The Trust' ceremony, Juelz and Simone were sent to the vault and they decided to accept the option that allowed them to add $5,000 to the trust but needed them to block two people from voting.

Juelz chose Tolu among the two contestants who could not be voted out to eliminate other players.

However, Juelz's decision disappointed Tolu and she had a conversation with her friends to evict Juelz on her behalf. However, the viewers claimed that Tolu was playing her victim card and slammed her for 'manipulating' other contestants.

A social media user wrote, "Not even done w the first episode and I’m already not feeling tolu any more…she is very aggy. Def plays victim, is manipulative, and thinks someone’s always out to get her."

Another person added, "Tolú is so annoying and arrogant. They will eventually see thru her bs. Stop trying to play a victim."

Another critic noted, "Ugh this Tolu chick is blowing me. She’s mking this my power was taken thing too f**king far. Like damn Julez did not target you it was random. She is wants wrong the image of black women on reality TV."

Another Netflix show viewer said, "Tolu, you are not a VICTIM."

Another X user tweeted, "Tolu is the WORST type of woman on the planet. Manipulative, gaslighting, men hating, racebaiting. I won’t be able to finish the show."

Another internet user penned, "Hey Tolu if you are reading these comments YOU ARE ANNOYING , STOP MAKING YOURSELF THE VICTIM !!"







'The Trust: A Game of Greed' contestant Tolu Ekundare gets into a feud with Jake Chocholus

During the second 'The Trust' ceremony, 'The Trust: A Game of Greed' contestants were asked to line in order of intelligence and leadership, and Jake Chocholus ranked himself at the front of both lines.

In return, Jake was asked to line the players in order of trustworthiness and, as observed by a majority of the women in the competition, he prioritizes his male friends.

However, Jake was then asked to pick two people to go into The Vault, a secluded location that allows players to accept or reject a self-deserving prize at the expense of the group.

Jake notably selected two men, stating that one of them was "canceled out" during the previous episode, which saw players Bryce and Tolu losing their voting rights.

Jake's decision was not welcomed by Tolu and she immediately called him out for not selecting her.

'The Trust: A Game of Greed' contestant Tolu Ekundare feuds with Jake Chocholus (@netflix)
'The Trust: A Game of Greed' contestant Tolu Ekundare had an argument with Jake Chocholus (@netflix)

Tolu Ekundare slams Jake Chocholus for calling her 'African'

Tolu Ekundare and Jake Chocholus' connection appeared to be bitter as they had multiple issues. Tolu is a proud Nigerian but multiple Netflix show contestants, including, Jake, have mistaken her roots for Africa.

However, in an episode, Jake told Tolu, "You’re such a strong African queen, I got my African sista over here, my chocolate sista."

Told was offended by Jake's 'African' reference and claimed that she has never called herself that and wanted to be known for her Nigerian roots.

Meanwhile, in the confessional, Tolu called out Jake and said, "Every single time he refers to me, it's as the African girl. 'Oh you look so African today, you look like an African warrior princess.' It's making me not enjoy this experience and I'm here to enjoy myself."

Tolu Ekundare slams Jake Chocholus for calling her 'African' (@netflix)
Tolu Ekundare slammed Jake Chocholus for calling her 'African' (@netflix)

'The Trust: A Game of Greed' Season 1 Episodes 5 to 9 will be available to watch on the streaming giant Netflix from Wednesday, January 17.