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'The Sympathizer' Episode 6 Takeaway: Captain's true identity as a spy on brink of exposure

Driven by rage and envy, Captain makes some questionable choices in 'The Sympathizer' Episode 6
UPDATED MAY 20, 2024
A confession and a confrontation risk Captain's identity in 'The Sympathizer' (@hbo)
A confession and a confrontation risk Captain's identity in 'The Sympathizer' (@hbo)

Contains spoilers for 'The Sympathizer'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'The Sympathizer', streaming on HBO Max, turns exciting in Episode 6 as Captain's journey is about to reach a conclusion next week.

The seven-episodic series revolving around Captain (Hoa Xuande) has engaged the viewers for almost a month now.

The protagonist is seen hiding his true identity as a spy for North Vietnam while working closely with South Vietnam's General (Toan Le). However, his cover is endangered when he makes some unbelievable choices in Episode 6.

What does Captain tell Sonny Tran in 'The Sympathizer' Episode 6?

Hoa Xuande and Alan Trong in 'The Sympathizer' (@hbo)
Hoa Xuande and Alan Trong in 'The Sympathizer' (@hbo)

Captain visits Sonny Tran (Alan Trong) at his apartment and provides him the evidence that proves General's mission is being funded by CIA and Congressman Ned Godwin.

Captain is seen relatively anxious as he sits down for a conversation with Sonny. It is evident that he wants to kill Sonny but needs a reason for it.

Surely, he is raged because he blames Sonny for stealing his girlfriend but he can't get his hands covered in blood solely based on this reason.

Therefore, Captain tries to convince himself that he must kill Sonny on General's directions.

Though General has given no such orders, Captain hatches a plan to make Sonny admit that he is a communist and thus, it would make for a perfect reason to kill him.

Trying to lead Sonny into admitting, Captain goes on to confess his true identity of being a communist and a spy.

Sonny realizes that it is a trap and instead of admitting where his loyalty lies, Sonny confronts Captain. In a fit of rage, Captain kills Sonny and flees the scene.

How does Sofia Mori know about Captain's identity in 'The Sympathizer'?

Sandra Oh as Sofia Mori in 'The Sympathizer' (@HBO)
Sandra Oh as Sofia Mori in 'The Sympathizer' (@hbo)

Towards the end of the episode, Sofia Mori (Sandra Oh) calls Captain at her residence. She says that she acted as Captain's alibi when cops questioned her about Sonny's murder.

While Captain believes that Sofia thinks that he killed Sonny as a jealous ex-boyfriend, Sofia breaks his delusion.

Much to Captain's shock, Sofia reveals that she knows about Captain's identity as Sonny told her the details of their interaction.

Their further interactions make Sofia realize that Captain has killed Sonny.

Is Captain in trouble in 'The Sympathizer'?

Hoa Xuande as Captain in 'The Sympathizer' (@hbo)
Hoa Xuande as Captain in 'The Sympathizer' (@hbo)

Of course, Captain is in trouble. However, Sofia Mori is no longer the reason behind his upcoming troubles.

Captain has decided to join General's mission and has boarded a plane to Thailand along with other Vietnamese men.

Captain's destiny is known already, courtesy of the frequent flash-forwards throughout the series. During the attack on communists, he will be captured and will struggle to prove his identity.

Captain is most likely to rot in North Vietnamese prison as chances of him proving his loyalty to the North look slim unless Man (Duy Nguyễn) finally comes to his rescue.

'The Sympathizer’ is available to stream on HBO Max