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'The Office': From Toby Flenderson to Meredith Palmer, the 10 most disliked characters from hit sitcom

NBC's 'The Office,' developed by Greg Daniels, made its debut on March 24, 2005
UPDATED MAY 28, 2024
From Toby Flenderson to Meredith Palmer and Andy Bernard, check out the list of the top 10 most disliked characters from 'The Office' (@nbc)
From Toby Flenderson to Meredith Palmer and Andy Bernard, check out the list of the top 10 most disliked characters from 'The Office' (@nbc)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: With the much-anticipated return of the fan-favorite mockumentary comedy 'The Office' announced, viewers are filled with joy and anticipation.

The series, inspired by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's 'The Office', delves into the everyday lives of the workers at Dunder Mifflin, an ordinary paper supply firm in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

The series enjoyed a successful nine-season run, featuring a diverse cast of characters who brought humor, emotion, and occasional frustration to the screen.

While the sitcom is renowned for its sympathetic and realistic characters, some have managed to irritate fans with their actions, attitudes, or mere presence. So, here's a list of the ten most loathed characters from 'The Office.'

Charles Miner

Idris Elba in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)
Idris Elba as Charles Miner in a still from 'The Office' (@nbcuniversal)

The rigid and by-the-book manager Charles Miner (Idris Elba), who was recruited to replace Michael, is universally loathed by both the workers at the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch and fans alike.

His disdain for the Scranton branch, along with his utter lack of humor, makes him a buzzkill. Miner often speaks down to his staff and doesn't understand or respect the Scranton branch's unique dynamic.

Despite his corporate experience, he consistently fails to recognize talent and potential within the Scranton team.

Toby Flenderson

Paul Lieberstein in 'The Office' (@nbc)
Paul Lieberstein as Toby Flenderson in 'The Office' (@nbcuniversal)

One of the most despised characters in 'The Office' is Toby Flenderson (Paul Lieberstein), a kind and sincere HR representative.

It's not that he's done anything particularly shocking; rather, it's his mere presence that irks his coworkers. Toby's personality tends towards pessimism and sadness, a trait that becomes increasingly evident throughout the series.

His consistent pessimism often dampens the atmosphere, especially when contrasted with the more upbeat characters. Michael Scott's (Steve Carell) relentless teasing of Toby further heightens viewers' amusement.

Some view Michael's relentless bullying of Toby as unnecessary cruelty, which makes Toby a character we can sympathize with while still finding him somewhat aggravating.

Andy Bernard

Ed Helms in a still from 'The Office' (@nbcuniversal)
Ed Helms as Andy Bernard in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)

Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) initially enters as a pleasant and eccentric guy, but over time, his temper outbursts, entitled behavior and inconsistent demeanor gradually make him tiresome.

In the early seasons, Andy was a quirky and ambitious salesperson whose underdog status and commitment to his friends made him a fan favorite.

However, as Andy achieves success, he transforms into an arrogant and self-centered individual. His anger issues escalate, leading to outbursts and even violent behavior.

Despite his flaws, Andy ultimately regrets his actions, serving as a reminder to viewers of his propensity for good.

Jan Levinson

Melora Hardin in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)
Melora Hardin as Jan Levinson in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)

Michael's volatile ex-lover, Jan Levinson (Melora Hardin) frequently displays a lack of empathy for others and often dismisses Michael's concerns and feelings, prioritizing her own needs and goals over his well-being.

Her selfishness and disregard for others' feelings further contribute to her negative image.

She consistently exploits Michael's desire for love and admiration to advance her agenda, resulting in a one-sided and destructive relationship.

Some fans of the series despise Jan because of her deceitful behavior, mistreatment of Michael, and questionable actions.

Gabe Lewis

Zach Woods in a still from 'The Ofiice' (@nbc)
Zach Woods as Gabe Lewis in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)

Some fans of the series dislike Gabe Lewis (Zach Woods) for his clumsiness, lack of assertiveness, interference, and lack of character growth.

In the series, he dated Erin Hannon (Ellie Kemper). However, he ignored her boundaries, forced her to watch horror movies she disliked, and seemed more concerned with controlling her than with her happiness, much to the irritation of viewers.

Gabe, much like Toby, enforces rules and regulations in an arbitrary and joyless manner.

Kelly Kapoor

Mindy Kaling as Kelly Kapoor in a still from 'The Office' (YouTube/@theoffice)
Mindy Kaling as Kelly Kapoor in a still from 'The Office' (YouTube/@theoffice)

Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling) delivers many memorable moments of comedy and drama in 'The Office,' but her self-centeredness and superficial behavior make her an unpopular character with certain fans.

Kelly, a customer care representative at Dunder Mifflin, frequently demonstrates a lack of professionalism. She is notorious for her snide remarks, passive-aggressive behavior, and tendency to gossip about people behind their backs.

Her romantic story with Ryan Howard (BJ Novak) serves as a prime example of toxicity and what a relationship should never entail.

Ryan Howard

B.J. Novak in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)
BJ Novak in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)

Despite Michael being one of his strongest supporters on the show, Ryan Howard is often disliked by the fans.

Throughout the series, Ryan is depicted as lacking moral integrity. He routinely engages in unethical behavior, such as manipulating colleagues, lying to superiors, and committing financial fraud.

In addition, many viewers were frustrated by his volatile relationship with Kelly. He frequently mistreats Kelly, exploiting her feelings for him.

Roy Anderson

David Denman, Jenna Fischer, and John Krasinski in 'The Office'  (@nbc)
David Denman, Jenna Fischer, and John Krasinski in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)

Roy Anderson (David Denman), Pam Beesly's (Jenna Fischer) ex-fiancé, is an easy character to loathe thanks to his domineering behavior and violent tendencies.

Despite Roy's engagement to Pam at the beginning of the series, their relationship lacks chemistry and emotional depth. Roy often displays envy towards Jim Halpert (John Krasinski), Pam's colleague and friend.

Although Roy's character undergoes development throughout the series, including expressing sorrow for his past behavior and attempting to win Pam back, many fans find his redemption arc disappointing because his efforts come too late.

Angela Martin

Angela Kinsey as Angela Martin in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)
Angela Kinsey as Angela Martin in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)

Angela Martin (Angela Kinsey) is a complex character. Some find her humor amusing, while others find her demeanor annoying.

She regularly criticizes her coworkers' appearances, habits, and personal lives while remaining oblivious to her flaws. She often struggles to understand or empathize with other people's emotions.

Angela can be dismissive, especially with people she considers inferior. Angela's handling of Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson ), her on-again, off-again love affair, has sparked controversy among many admirers.

She consistently manipulates and mistreats Dwight while also pursuing other men.

Meredith Palmer

Kate Flannery as Meredith Palmer in a still from 'The Office' (@nbc)

The eccentric yet sometimes unlikeable Meredith Palmer (Kate Flannery) is a renowned drinker who disturbs the workplace. Meredith is shown as an unappealing character who lacks the depth and complexity of some of the other Dunder Mifflin workers.

Her character also exhibits little development or progression throughout the series, remaining mostly static in her portrayal.

While her character contributes comedic value to the show, her flaws and lack of depth may turn off viewers who prefer more likable or sympathetic characters.

'The Office' is available to stream on Peacock