‘The Good Doctor’ Season 3 Episode 15: Dr Morgan Reznick's brash behavior towards colleagues irks viewers

Looks like it’s been a rough phase for Morgan lately! No matter what she does or says, she ends up being on the wrong side of things. While you might want to empathize with her ongoing struggle with her ailment, it doesn’t quite justify her brazen attitude, especially towards her colleagues.
Let’s take the episode, ‘Unsaid’, for instance. Morgan could not control her trembling fingers while working on sutures during a surgery and as Dr Audrey Lim asks Dr Shaun Murphy to take over, she flips. Her instant reaction to that comes out in the form of offense towards Shaun. She tries to poke Shaun and Carly’s relationship by pointing out the problems, although there aren’t any. This infuriates fans on Twitter, who think that Morgan is just being brash because she feels incompetent.
Here’s what a fan has to say. She says, “Wow. It seems that Morgan is taking her frustrations out on Shaun’s relationship. This has probably been a pattern for awhile that I’m just now noticing. #TheGoodDoctor”
Morgan’s attitude also makes fans questions what suddenly made her behave so rudely. One fans says, “MORGAN! WHY!!!! You evolved so much but in one moment you have gone right back to who you used to be #TheGoodDoctor.”
And there’s more. Like this fan says, “I REPEAT MORGAN’S A BITCH!!!!#TheGoodDoctor.”
So does another fan, just in different words. “Morgan is one twisted biatch 😂 Yup. #TheGoodDoctor.”
Morgan might be a highly skilled surgeon, an incredibly talented medical professional, and we all agree that she is undergoing serious physical conditions that is disturbing her work and affecting her mental state. But that in no matter can justify how badly she behaves or presents herself or her inability to manage a surgery right. While we do love Morgan as a doctor and admire how much she has grown, today’s episode kind of brought it all down and put us back to square one about how we feel about this resident doctor.
‘The Good Doctor’ Season 3 airs every Monday night at 10 pm/ 9c only on ABC.