'The Flash' Season 8 Episode 2: Is Joe West dead? SHOCKING death changes everything

Fans knew that the latest season of ‘The Flash’ will be the biggest ever because Team Flash was going to face a threat like never before. During the last season, The Flash and his friends took down Speed Force and saved the world. However, the villain they are facing this time around is much powerful than any other aliens they have faced previously.
The villain we are talking about is Despero (Tony Curran), an alien who has come to Earth after his planet was destroyed by someone evil. Now, he has come to Earth to kill the devil who’s trying to finish everything. Unfortunately, that evil man, according to him, is Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). Despero gave him one week to prove his worth or else he’ll kill him.
'The Flash' Season 8 Episode 2: It's the beginning of the end as Barry loses his mind
'The Flash' Season 8 Episode 1: Barry learns shocking truth about him and 'Armageddon'
The entire second episode was all about Barry trying to control all the madness around him. A psychic Meta called Xotar is playing with his mind and tries controlling him while trying to accomplish a heist. Xotar manages to take control of him and tries to make him suffer by bending his bones. As soon as the pressure mounts on him, his powers start to get out of control and they need a passage to come out. In the end, he lets out an immense quantity of electricity from his body to take down Xotar. When it seems everything is fine, Barry gets to know that Joseph West is dead and he died 6 months ago. Barry gave the eulogy during his funeral and it was Iris who told him all this.

Iris (Candice Patton) is freaking out and is frustrated with what’s happening because she has been trying to make things better for Barry since Joe’s death but Barry is not able to come out of trauma. He completely loses his mind and says that Joe is not dead, he can’t be. This is when Despero appears and Barry says that he is behind all of this. He believes that it is one of Despero’s illusions and he is playing with him so that madness can take over him.
Despero says he’s had enough of all this and the madness has finally taken over him because he’s not mentally strong. The alien believes that it’s time to end The Flash and attacks him with a beaming red light coming from his third eye. Barry falls down and doesn’t get up. But Chester comes in and attacks Despero with a weapon that he made to hurt the alien.
The episode ends with The Flash trying to meet other superheroes to help him and we see Black Lightning making an appearance on the show. It seems Black Lightning will be the one saving Barry Allen from all the chaos. Despero has made him go to the extreme and if he doesn’t take any help then it would be game over for everyone.
‘The Flash’ Season 8 returns to The CW with a new episode every Tuesday at 8 pm EST.