'The Flash' Season 8 Episode 2: It's the beginning of the end as Barry loses his mind

The newest season of ‘The Flash’ is here and fans are absolutely excited to see how Barry Allen and friends save the world from a massive alien threat this time around. However, the first episode made us realize that it is Barry that people need to save themselves from.
In the premiere episode, we saw Despero, an alien from a world unknown, coming to earth and finding Barry (Grant Gustin) and Team Flash in order to save the planet. Despero (Tony Curran) tells everyone, including Barry, that he is the one who’s going to end the world and not anyone else. Everyone is shocked to learn that and Barry makes Despero realize that he won’t hurt anyone and asks for one week’s time to prove himself.
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But the mind games have already started from Despero and Barry is in a whole lot of trouble. During the start of the second episode, Barry reaches a crime scene and as soon as he starts the investigation, Kramer (Carmen Moore) comes and tells him that he is suspended from his job because he has been accused of federal crimes. Barry is shocked to learn that and asks what has he done? The police officer said that a few years back Joseph Carver manipulated with evidence in the case of Millie Rawlins and the DA began investigating the case once again and found that Carver had a second man in his team who helped him in manipulating the evidence and it seems Barry is that guy.
Barry asks the police officer that he got to know a security guard of the bank turned mad during the heist and started doing crazy things. So, he needs to see him before someone gets hurt. But, he is not allowed to do that and his ID card is taken away from him. All these things are being done by Despero to check his mental stability.
A few moments later, Barry gets a call from STAR LABS that he should come here fast because the authorities are shutting down the lab. Barry reaches the lab and the man from the government tells him that the radiation levels inside the lab are dangerous and can kill everyone. Everyone working there says that it’s impossible, but Chester tells everyone that their systems haven’t been updated in a week and that’s the reason they didn’t get to know about the radiation leak. The government is going to demolish the lab and if they do, they’ll get to know every detail about everyone, and most importantly, they will get to know about The Flash. So, he deletes all the data from the server.
The mind games go to a whole new level when he is about to catch the new meta villain Xotar and he ends up with his friends from Star Labs. They are scared of Barry as they believe that he entered suddenly and started destroying the place. Allegra had to blast him and stop him from destroying the place. So, the madness has started and Despero seems to be behind it. If not Despero, it’s Xotar who’s doing all this. Xotar is the psychic Meta who makes everyone goes mad so that she can do her work.
The first 25 minutes of the second episode is a roller coaster ride and makes us realize how powerful Despero actually is. It also gives us a glimpse of how Barry could lose his mind and how everything forces him to turn up against the people he loves. Things are getting intense and ‘The Flash’ is turning up the ante.
‘The Flash’ Season 8 returns to The CW with a new episode every Tuesday at 8 pm EST.