'The Flash' Season 6 Episode 18 synopsis out, more emotional turmoil for Barry as friend turns foe

Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) problems just don't end, now do they? In the upcoming episode, 'Liberation', Barry has to figure out a way to get his wife Iris (Candice Patton) back from the Mirrorverse, as she has been stuck there for a long time. He has to fight off her mirror clone, as well as discover the real truth about Eva McCulloch (Efrat Dor), who is well, pulling the mirror strings. Eva has her own sinister agenda. She has issues to settle with her husband, Joseph Carver, and is ready to unleash hell.
Hopefully, the mirror mess gets sorted out. Yet Barry's failing powers are still a matter of concern and things are just going to get tougher from here on. Season 16 Episode 18 synopsis is out and it reveals that while another murderous villain is back in town, Barry has to rely on an old friend-turned-foe to defeat him. The synopsis reads, "Godspeed returns to menace Central City. To combat the villainous speedster, Barry Allen turns to his old friend Hartley Rathaway, only to discover the reformed criminal has been reverted to his antagonistic ways due to 'Crisis'."
This is the penultimate episode before the final one, which is going to end on a cliffhanger. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Season 6 of The CW show had to be cut short, and the remaining episodes might or might not be featured in Season 7.
Barry's not doing so well on the emotional front as Mirror Iris just kicked him out of his own house. The showrunner Eric Wallace had promised that the truth about the Mirrorverse is going to have 'tragic consequences' for Barry. He told TV Line, "The audience won't have to wait until the end of the season for this to happen. However, there will be tragic consequences to learning the truth about Mirror-Iris."
He added, "Consequences that will send the season in a new, even more dangerous direction for Team Flash." How will Barry save Iris without his powers? Will he be able to create the artificial Speed Force, just like the Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh) had done?
Tune into 'The Flash' on Tuesdays at 8 pm on The CW.