'The Flash' Season 6 Episode 17: How will Barry Allen save Iris from Mirrorverse without Speed Force?

The latest episode of 'The Flash' was a nerve-wracking one as Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) struggled with his dying powers as well as with his relationship with Iris West (Candice Patton).
As you know, she isn't the real Iris but a mirror clone who has taken her place. The real Iris West-Allen is trapped behind a mirror, with no way out. On the instructions of Mirror Master Eva McCulloch (Efrat Dor), Mirror Iris aims to drain Barry of his remaining powers. As Joe West's (Jesse L Martin) life is in severe danger, Mirror Iris puts undue pressure on Barry to go and save him.
At the end of the episode, Barry sends Joe West off to Witness Protection and Mirror Iris simulates a fight with him. Despite him telling her that he is out of breath and he feels numb, she remains cold and demands that he gets her father back. Finally, she boots him out of the house. This is where Miris overplays her hand. In the promo for the next episode, at last, Barry has figured out that Miris isn't Iris, and sets off to find her. Though the question is, how will he save Iris with his powers the way it is?
Had his powers been in a better state, Barry would have been able to phase through the mirror — something that Iris realized. It means that Barry has to work harder at his efforts of getting his speed back. That's a problem Barry has been facing lately, to create an artificial speed force just like the Reverse Flash did. This could have its own repercussions. But when it comes to Iris, Barry has no holds barred. And we know that Barry is one of the most emotional Arrowverse heroes, so he will resort to anything to save her.
His emotional behavior does lead to his impulsivity, which has had far-reaching consequences for the team before. Will Barry ask Reverse Flash for help to decode Nora's method that she had detailed in her book? Or will he figure it out himself? Either way, it's not going to be easy. Reverse Flash is a spectral entity but he can be brought back and this could lead Barry down a dangerous road.
'The Flash' showrunner Eric Wallace had promised 'tragic consequences' when Barry learns about Mirror Iris. "However, there will be tragic consequences to learning the truth about Mirror-Iris. Consequences that will send the season in a new, even more dangerous direction for Team Flash," he said.
We will just have to wait and watch. 'The Flash' airs on CW Tuesdays at 8 pm.