'Survivor' Season 41: Blue tribe wins immunity again, but Green tribe gets advantage

It’s Day 5 on ‘Survivor’ and teams are getting ready to get immunity back. The immunity on the show is the only thing that can help everyone to survive here and every tribe is going to give it their best. During the first immunity task, it was the Blue tribe who won and got the much-needed immunity to save the team from getting the boot.
But there was a twist in the tale when the second immunity task happened. So, during the second task, the tribe finishing first would get the immunity and fishing gear as well. However, the side finishing second would also get the immunity and some of the fishing gear as well. The task involved the teams swimming and reach a point where they need to take out a key from underwater and reach the finish line. As soon a player reaches the finish line, the other player starts and reaches the finish line as well. When all the players have reached the finish line, they would have to solve a puzzle to win the task.
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Once again, it was the Blue tribe (Danny, Deshawn, Erika, Heather, Naseer, and Sydney) that won finished first. However, it was a tough competition between the Green and Yellow tribes. The only difference between the teams was Tiffany. Tiffany (Yellow tribe) was really drained out and took a lot of time to finish the task. It was the only reason that the Yellow team could not win immunity. As soon as the task ended, Blue was given the immunity and some nice fishing gear while Green was given the immunity as well. It was something that made Brad really happy because he realized that he was on everyone’s radar.

Team Yellow has a lot to discuss because Tiffany is clearly the weakest link in the team and if they keep on targeting the stronger guys, it’s not going to help them because they won’t win the task and they will have to vote out one of them. All in all, it was a fun task with the Blue tribe once again showing that they have the perfect mix of strength and determination.
Also, Danny is a BEAST!!!!
‘Survivor’ Season 41 returns to CBS with a new episode every Wednesday at 10 pm EST.