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'Sometimes All You Need Is Your Best Friend': How can you do this trend with your pal?

'All you need is a best friend 'is a great example if you want to show off just how caring your best friend is
(Twitter, WhatsApp)
(Twitter, WhatsApp)

TikTok has taken over the For You Page (FYP) with lip-syncing battles, viral dance challenges, and cooking trends. Each week, another TikTok trend is heating up on the feed. Currently “All you need is your best friend” Tiktok trend is dominating the platform and here’s why.

"All you need is your best friend" is probably a more accurate representation of what having a best friend looks like. The edit is very easy because it is just a series of photos or videos that have already been taken. It can be done in the TikTok app itself or Capcut if you want more templates or filters.


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What this trend is all about?

The trend is super easy to do, The most common opening line of the viral videos is "sometimes all you need is your best friend." It typically appears on a plain white background and can be taken from any video that has utilized it. However, you are not prohibited from using your own; There are hundreds on Pinterest and Google Images.

After that, all you have to do is upload pictures of their messages or silly things you've done together. Numerous other people have altered their videos to include a song that is more meaningful to their friendship.


This trend allows you to be completely sincere while also showing cute messages and experiences that you and your best friend have shared. Or, more often than not, it demonstrates how absurd your relationship is while also demonstrating that you would not have it any other way. 

Sometimes all you need is your best friend

Twitter is filled with "Sometimes all you need is your best friend" hashtags and people are sharing their goofy side of the friendship. A user tweeted "sometimes all you need is your delusional best friend " while the other wrote "sometimes, all you need is to talk or see your best friends".





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