'She is paraplegic': Lindsay Clancy's attorneys beg court 'to send her to medical rehab center' as she virtually appears in court

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DUXBURY, MASSACHUSETTS: Lindsay Clancy, the mother-of-three who tried to kill herself after strangling her children, appeared in court on Tuesday, February 7, virtually from her hospital bed as her attorneys announced that she is paralyzed. Clancy, 32, is charged with strangling her three children on Sunday, January 29, at their family home in Duxbury, Massachusetts.
Prosecutors have argued calling it a "pre-meditated" attack as she deliberately sent her husband out to pick up food before strangling her children - Cora,5, Dawson, 3, and eight months old Callan, the Daily Mail reported. The attorney for Clancy argued that she was a danger to herself as the overprescribed medications had turned her into a zombie, adding that she needed help as she is paralyzed below the waist.
The Lindsay Clancy Murders: Forensic psychiatrist to evaluate mom accused of killing her 3 children
'She's paraplegic, she's paralyzed'
Clancy's attorneys maintained that a combination of prescription medicines stripped her of her personality and turned her into a 'shell'. Moreover, her capacity to feel emotions was also robbed off as she suffered from post-partum depression and psychosis.
The children were discovered in the family home's basement with exercise bands around their necks, according to the prosecution. Lindsay had told her husband she heard a "man's voice" saying it was her "final choice" and that she should kill the children first, then herself.
After strangling her children, Clancy, the midwife at Massachusetts General Hospital, who was on leave, attempted suicide. She slashed her wrists and jumped from a window on the top floor of her home. Lindsay cut her wrists before leaping from her bedroom window and landing in the backyard.
Clancy’s husband, Patrick, had found his wife lying outside their Duxbury home after he returned from picking up dinner for the family. Clancy suffered several spine fractures and is now a paraplegic, her attorney Kevin J. Reddington said, adding, "She is not OK, at all. She suffered several, severe spine fractions. She is not expected to recover meaningful function below that level of the spinal cord."
The attorney added, "She's paraplegic, unable to move her legs or feel the sensation. She is not OK, at all..." Her attorney further revealed, "She is paralyzed. She needs significant medical treatment." The attorney as per the report, "begged the court not to jail her and instead allow her to be sent to a medical rehab center."
'The woman is a danger to herself'
Clancy's attorney said, "She had overprescribed a cocktail of prescription drugs to treat post-partum depression, and that it had turned her into a 'zombie.'" Denying the attack a premeditated, Reddington said, 'We all know this is an individual who is in dire medical condition. This woman is a danger to herself. I question whether she would ever make it to a trial. "She is suicidal, she is extremely emotional. She is unable to express any happiness or sadness or cry", the report mentioned the attorney as saying.