'Shadowhunters' season 3B: Izzy is taking Clary's loss harder than anyone else
With the epic 'Shadowhunters' finale arriving soon, Freeform has done a marvelous job in keeping things hushed up. So far the only secrets revealed to fans have been through the network's '25 days of teasers challenge' on Twitter, and trust ardent, passionate fans of the show to figure out hidden messages and takeaways through tiny snippets and photos from the upcoming season. One of these takeaways has been the constantly distressed, teary-eyed nature of our favorite badass fighter Isabelle Lightwood, and we can't help but wonder what could be causing Izzy so much pain in the upcoming season.
Played by Emeraude Toubia, Izzy is perhaps one of the characters from the show's ensemble lead who has shown the most remarkable character development.