'See' Episode 7 will likely see Maghra and Queen Kane finally face each other with their kingdom destroyed and Jerlamarel gone

Despite trying to take the throne from Queen Kane (Sylvia Hoeks), Maghra (Hera Hilmar) seems to have a soft spot for her sister. We can see this when she looks like she is seriously considering Boots' proposal to catch the merchant's "ghost" warriors to find out Queen Kane's location at the end of episode 6.
She could easily not tell Tamacti Jun (Christian Camargo) about the ghosts and get Boots to kill them to suppress the information that can lead the army to rescue Queen Kane. But since Maghra has been portrayed as kind-hearted, the polar opposite of her sister, she will probably accept Boots' offer.
This means that Tamacti Jun and his army will sweep in and rescue Queen Kane. That sequence of events leaves the little matter of the jealousy and rivalry between the two sisters and the awkward love triangle they have with Jerlamarel.
How will Queen Kane react to see the sister she lost so many years ago? With the kingdom they fought over gone (destroyed by Queen Kane) and with Jerlamarel abandoning them both, there are no reasons for them to fight any longer.
However, this doesn't mean that their first meeting will be harmonious or smooth. Even if Maghra is willing to forgive and forget, will Queen Kane be equally amenable, given that Jerlamarel abandoned her to be with Maghra?
Tamacti Jun, who decided the fate of the two sisters before, will be in the position to mediate between the sisters again. While his first loyalty has always been to Queen Kane, he would be against any outright violence against Maghra as well.
The other unknown element in the whole equation is Boots himself. Even though he has pledged his "loyalty" and "service" to Maghra, he has already shown himself to be an untrustworthy ally. He could switch sides to Queen Kane if he thinks he can garner more power for himself in that way.
'See' episode 7 airs Friday, November 28 on Apple TV+.