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Robyn Bodine and Tracie Shoe: Ohio women who disappeared while vacationing in New Mexico found safe

Robyn Renee Bodine and Tracie Shoe who disappeared hours before boarding their flight have been found safe 'in an extremely remote area'
UPDATED MAR 31, 2023
Robyn Renee Bodine (L) and Tracie Shoe who checked out of their hotel on Tuesday, March 28, just before 11 am never made it to the airport (Facebook/Truth or Consequences PD)
Robyn Renee Bodine (L) and Tracie Shoe who checked out of their hotel on Tuesday, March 28, just before 11 am never made it to the airport (Facebook/Truth or Consequences PD)

BROOKVILLE, OHIO: Robyn Renee Bodine and Tracie Shoe have been found safe after the duo disappeared and never boarded the flight from their small vacation in New Mexico. Authorities found missing Bodine and Shoe "in an extremely remote area" of Catron County on Thursday, March 30, and are planning for their "safe return."

"We remained optimistic and it paid off!" said authorities according to People. Bodine and Shoe were vacationing in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, about 150 miles south of Albuquerque. Since Monday, March 27, both families had never heard back from the duo even after they allegedly checked out of their hotel on Tuesday, just before 11 am. Suspiciously the two women never made their way to the airport to board their 6 pm flight later that day. Truth or Consequences Police Department in New Mexico said that the women will "be reunited with their families soon."


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What happened to Robyn Renee Bodine and Tracey Shoe?

Bodine and Shoe, both from Dayton suburb Brookville, Ohio, flew out of Cincinnati to Phoenix on March 25. The pair stayed in Arizona for the day, according to Bodine's daughter, Taylor Moberly, and then arrived at the Riverbend Hot Springs, their vacationing destination on March 27. Jennifer Lightcap, a longtime friend of Shoe, said the women planned to go hiking before their evening flight. Lightcap and Bodine’s daughter, Moberly, claimed the pair were unable to be reached on the phone since they arrived at Riverbend Hot Springs. 

Missing Robyn Renee Bodine
Missing Robyn Renee Bodine was described as a 'homebody' (Facebook/Truth or Consequences Police Department)

"The phone goes straight to voicemail," Lightcap explained. "It does on both ends, it does for both phones... we’re not sure if a battery has gone dead or what has happened. But they are not responding, not answering on social media."

'Miserable' Moberly explained her frustration of being unable to do anything and every moment not knowing where her mother was, reported The Sun. She previously said, "Just want my mom home I want Tracie home for her kids," she said. "It sucks … you feel useless because there’s nothing I can do.”

Robyn Bodine and Tracie Shoe then had a 6pm flight later in the day that they never boarded (Facebook/Truth or Consequences Police Department)
Tracie Shoe never made it to the flight from her vacation
(Facebook/Truth or Consequences Police Department)

Families plea to find the missing women

Meanwhile, Moberly also highlighted that the details Bodine gave her about their trip to New Mexico were vague. The mother told the daughter she heard about the Riverbend Hot Springs in the state and wanted to go there with Shoe for a birthday trip. Moberly said she was surprised by the details of the trip as she described her mother as a "homebody" despite being outgoing. Considering Bodine and Shoe had been close friends for several years, the two allegedly left for their small trip. Moreover, after waiting for stressing 24-hour the daughter filed a missing persons report with her stepfather.

Although the women have now been found safe, Bodine's daughter previously wrote in the message, "Police everywhere have been contacted, airports, records searched. Nothing is giving us any help." She further added, "We have exhausted all efforts and I'm just hoping to post this and maybe it reaches somewhere beneficial," Bodine's daughter shared. "Please, please, please keep my family in your prayers," as per People.