Noella Bergener reveals 'the hell' she's going through after split with Sweet James

'Real Housewives of orange County' newbie Noella Bergener took to her Instagram to update her fans on her divorce situation from attorney husband Sweet James. The recently aired episode of the hit Bravo reality franchise featured Noella being served with divorce papers from her husband out of the blue. The new housewife was in total shock when Sweet James not only served the papers from Puerto Rico but also blocked her access from the bank accounts and cut her off financially.
The housewife posted a brief clip from 'RHOC' of her getting emotional while discussing the divorce papers with her co-star Nicole James. Alongside the clip, she penned down a lengthy note detailing out the "hell" she is currently in. "BRUTAL to relive 😭 5 months ago my husband and partner of 6 years left the house with his toothbrush leaving behind his life, family and home. He ended our marriage with a service of divorce papers from Puerto Rico. Which he doesn’t qualify for since we are California citizens and nothing untoward happened in our marriage there," the housewife wrote.
Why are Noella and James Bergener splitting? 'RHOC' star posts she's a 'not so-happy housewife'
Prior to being served with the papers, the couple were reportedly arguing over the many lawsuits against Sweet James and their finances. "We were arguing over him lying to me about his tax debts and confusing push back to selling our home to cover his debts. To this date James has not visited our son or giving me any explanation for his departure. He has fled the state to evade service," she added. The housewife further elaborated on how her estranged husband is pushing her to sign a statement declaring that she lied about him, his business partner and his brand on the show. "My cards are still shut off, he hasn’t paid a dime in support, he stopped paying for our home and is currently holding up our divorce unless I sign a statement saying that I lied about him, his business partner and his brand. I spoke nothing but the truth about him and have all the receipts. If anything I really protected my husband by not speaking about his issues but rather focus on my journey in this now divorce."
Despite everything that Sweet James and she are going through, the housewife made it very clear that she doesn't want anybody to bash her estranged husband, but was just providing "insight to the hell" she's in through her post. "He is the father of my child and want him to be well. After his departure I made the decision to stay on the show we were meant to do together in hopes to shed light and God willing give courage to other people going through something similar. I realize there are three sides to every story. I have asked him to give an explanation through a 3rd party to provide insight which he has repeatedly declined. Everything I’ve said and am saying are FACTS. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for my family. I don’t wish to encourage James bashing with this post. Just providing insight to the hell I am still in ❤️🩹 #rhoc #divorcesucks #ineedclosure," she concluded.

Nicole's post was met with a lot of sympathy from her followers. Many of them commented on the post wishing her luck and encouraging her to stay strong. A follower wrote, "Ughhh my heart breaks for all that you’re going through, as well as your children. My heart also bursts in excitement for all that I know is in store for your future. People like you aren’t down for long. Keep fighting ❤️❤️❤️" Another follower commented, "So sorry you are going through all this. you are a strong and amazing women. I pray all goes well for you during this difficult time." "You seem like such a sweet soul! Things will work out. Sorry you’re going through this 🙏🏼💕," added another follower. "I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. One can only hope the courts see his egregious exit for the cowardly move it was and give you full custody of your child plus 50% of all assets. James should be SOLEY held accountable for his fraudulent tax issues and you should not be dragged into it. Wishing the best of luck. Stay strong. Hugs from Canada 🤗❤️🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦," expressed a follower.
'Real Housewives of Orange County' Season 16 airs every Wednesday at 9/8c on Bravo.