'Real Housewives of Orange County' fans think Vicki is acting prude only to impress her fiancé Steve

We saw Vicki Gunvalson spewing her brand new "holier than thou" attitude throughout Season 14.
She kept constantly reminding Tamra that she is a grandmother and must behave like one, openly dissed drag performance, and finally went all judgemental on Braunwyn opening up about her interest in women and threesomes.
Now don't you forget we are discussing the same Vicki Gunvalson who flashed her breasts to former housewife Heather Dubrow's husband and gave a lesson on deep-throating and more in front of cameras for the show.
So, fans were a bit surprised to see the former OG housewife suddenly acting all prude and trying to be a "role model" for women.
While we understand that her temper tantrums during the reunion are all courtesy of her feeling salty about not having an orange this season, still that isn't an acceptable excuse to try bullying and judging Braunwyn and her lifestyle.
Fans began speculating about what could have turned the usually naughty housewife into such a chaste person. Many fans felt that this is all a façade on Vicki's part to impress her conservative fiancé Steve Lodge.
A fan tweeted, "How much y'all want to bet Vicki is saying all those things b/c of Steve? I mean she changes for every man she's with. #RHOC."
Another fan wrote, "I like Vicki but she becomes engulfed by whomever she's dating and takes on their personality. She was never this prudish when married to Don and dating Brooks. I'm sorry but Steve's influence has made her into a judgmental hypocrite and that's no fun to watch. #RHOC."
"Vicki is the biggest hypocrite and far from conservative. She tries to pretend she is because of Steve but we all know the truth because it's on TV for the world to see. She says they don't behave like Braunwyn, but they do, if not worse. #RHOC," pointed out a fan.
While fans blame Steve for Vicki's prude behavior, they also felt sorry for him and wished him luck after seeing her throw her weight around during the reunion.
A fan shared, "Another Fine Look of Vicki. Wow..if she behaves this way on national tv...Pheeew dread to think what its like in the privacy of her home. Steve..best you don't make her angry or THIS is what you're in for n #RHOC."
"How does Steve watch this reunion and think to himself, wow, what a fantastic woman Vicki is I can’t wait to marry her? F**k this nasty plastic hag. #rhocreunion #rhoc," commented a fan.
"Vicki’s ego during the #rhocreunion was exhausting. Aye yo, Steve good luck #RHOC," expressed a fan.