'Renovation Island': Bryan Baeumler questions future of Bahamas resort amid Covid-19 spread

The Covid-19 pandemic turned several businesses belly up due to strict social distancing and quarantining imposed upon everybody. Bryan and Sarah Baeumler's luxury resort Caerula Mar Club was no exception.
After toiling for months with the renovation work of the old, abandoned hotel they purchased on an island in the Bahamas, the Baeumlers were finally ready to welcome their first set of guests. They finally opened the doors to their guests in March 2020. Before the couple could take in all the opening day excitement and bask in their success, they were struck down by an unforeseen setback — the deadly pandemic. Due to the pandemic, strict international travel restrictions were imposed, which meant that the tourists wouldn't be able to visit their exotic resort. The 'Renovation Island' stars are now beginning to question the future of the resort and their family's life on the island.
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The premiere episode of Season 2 of 'Renovation Island' gave fans a peek into the hardships that Bryan and Sarah battled during the pandemic. The couple initially decided to stay back on the island to minimize any health risks that could occur while traveling back home to Canada. Since they had no income coming in, and they also had to refund their customers' money owing to the lockdown, the Baeumlers had no choice but to let go of some of their staff to keep the operational costs low.
While they were still stuck on the island, Bryan and Sarah decided to complete the small renovation works and give the final touches to their resort. Despite their best attempts at keeping themselves busy and not think about the uncertain future, both Sarah and Bryan were under immense pressure. Sarah began worrying about their family's future financially, as they invested all their money into the resort, and weren't getting any return on their investment. So, she pulled Bryan aside and expressed her concerns. He tried reassuring Sarah that their business would reopen soon and everything would eventually fall in place.

Despite Bryan's brave reassurances to his wife, the contractor has a few doubts and worries of his own. In the preview clip for the upcoming episode of 'Renovation Island,' we see Bryan wondering what he would do if the lockdown isn't lifted anytime soon. He starts to think about the family's situation if the resort fails to generate any income for them. We also see him lamenting about how they lost three seasons of opening the resort due to the extensive renovation work, Dorian cyclone, and the pandemic. He makes it clear that if the lockdown isn't lifted soon, their finances might not allow them to continue running the resort. The future episodes will show the Baeumlers' tryst with the pandemic and lockdown, and whether their business survived this major setback or not.
'Renovation Island' Season 3 airs every Sunday at 8/7c on HGTV.