Louanne Ward: Relationship coach reveals unmistakable red flags you are dating a narcissist

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: Dating expert and matchmaker Louanne Ward has detailed numerous features common among narcissistic men and women. Reflecting on the various issues that come with being in a relationship with such individuals, the expert also revealed how to identify toxic relationship traits while dating them.
The matchmaker claimed, "Narcissistic personality disorder is a psychiatric condition marked by grandiosity, excessive need for attention and admiration, and an inability to empathize. Whilst it is common for most people to be somewhat narcissistic with self-love and self-worth and in this age of selfies, likes, and comments, you can only imagine the effect narcissism has on our society. To help you date better and create a healthy attachment let's take a deeper look at what to look for so you can avoid falling in love with a narcissist."
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How to recognize a narcissist?
The expert claimed, "NPD is characterized by an inflated self-esteem, an insatiable desire for praise, and an inability to empathize with others." They "have a grandiose sense of self-importance, a fixation on fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love, and a conviction that they are exceptional in some way," she added. The expert also explained some of the traits, including "a fragile sense of self-esteem that is easily threatened by criticism or rejection, a need for constant attention and admiration, a lack of empathy for others, highly critical of others and quick to point out your flaws, proclivity to exploit others for one's own gain, sense of entitlement, envious and jealous behavior, gaslighting with an inability to accept blame, insecure and overly sensitive to criticism," as per Daily Mail.
What are the four stages of a narcissistic relationship?
Idealization, devaluation, discarding, and hoovering are the different stages in a narcissistic relationship. In the idealization phase, a narcissistic partner will make you feel they are the perfect partner. They will show themselves as charming, charismatic, and flawless. In the next stage, during devaluation, they will start criticizing their own partner, gaslight them, and second guess themselves. In the discarding stage, they may abandon or leave the partner altogether. In the hoovering stage, narcissists will try to get back with you and even beg for a relationship.
What are the early signs of a narcissist?
Louanne says, "The first sign of spotting a narcissist is noticing the pattern of abuse. This narcissistic cycle of abuse is one of the most concerning aspects of NPD in relationships, and it usually has four stages: Idealization, devaluation, discarding, and hoovering. If you have ever had a whirlwind romance with someone who seemed too good to be true and then suddenly turned toxic, chances are you experienced this cycle of abuse. They often initially shower you with love, attention, and gifts, making you feel like the most important person on the planet but sooner or later their behavior begins to shift. They became excessively critical, manipulative, and emotionally abusive, leaving you confused and hurt. If you have experienced this, you have seen the early warning signs of a narcissist first hand."
What are the signs of narcissistic men?
Narcissistic men believe they are always in charge and have to be considered special and important all the time. Often self-absorbed, they always find it hard to empathize with their partner. They have inflated opinions about themselves. These men even may become defensive or angry if criticized, and may act physically if they feel threatened. They will never accept they are wrong and often become defensive if blamed for their behavior. They play the martyr or the victim and everything they have been through is more painful and harder, and they have suffered more.
What are the signs of narcissistic women?
Narcissistic women are obsessed with their looks and can spend hours perfecting their appearance. They always need praise and may also speak over others, interrupt them, and ignore their opinions. These individuals will use their charm, lie, and exaggerate to get what they want. They are prone to envy or jealousy. "It is important to note that not all men and women who have narcissistic traits will exhibit these behaviors, and there is a wide range of narcissistic behavior that can affect people of any gender," Louanne said. "Understanding the differences between narcissistic men and narcissistic women, on the other hand, can help us better understand and address the specific challenges that each gender may face when dealing with this personality disorder."