Anderson University professor defends SEGREGATED classes, slams White students for opposing it

After a Christian University in Indiana decided to racially segregate its diversity and inclusion discussion sessions, which apparently drew criticisms, a White professor has stood by it. English professor Elizabeth Boltz Ranfeld, who teaches at Anderson University, slammed White students who opposed the school’s decision, saying White people create their own “spaces” but when Black, indigenous, and people of color do the same, they become offended.
According to school President John Pistole, the Racial Equity Task Force’s intention behind the racially segregated "listening sessions", scheduled for April 11 and April 19, is to “create a safe place for our students to openly share their experiences, and not to alienate persons in the process.” It has been said that the decision seems to oppose several Christian tenets of equality. But professor Ranfeld has supported it in a TikTok video which she reportedly shared on April 9, saying that “White people are guilty of 'default' segregation, so these sessions are justified,” as reported by The Daily Mail.
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She apparently stated in her social media post, “White people do this thing where we create spaces and are a part of spaces that are white only not by statute, but by default - so circumstances allow a space to continue to be white only even though there's no rule that says white only.”
Ranfeld claimed that Whites defend their “spaces” by saying “this is just a white (geographical) area,” before noting: “If people of color begin to organize and create spaces that are for them, white people, we get all, 'Well, isn't that segregation.’” She then said while imitating a White person, “Aren't you trying to divide us? Why aren't I allowed to go there?”
Ranfeld further mentioned, “Then you end up with these protests over segregation that are really about white people's feelings of getting, one, excluded from a space and, two, worrying that people are going to say mean things about them in that space and they're not going to get to defend themselves,” as she went on to explain why one shouldn’t be “in a Christian youth ministry cult”. She added: “The reason why we shouldn't be in those spaces in the first place because we turn it into our feelings of defensiveness.”
Meanwhile, it has been reported that not just White students, but students of color were also not happy with the move. Maya Turner, who plays for the college's women's basketball team, took to Twitter and wrote: “So Anderson University is holding racially segregated listening sessions and meetings now??? As a student that attends Anderson University this is extremely embarrassing and upsetting. It’s 2022 I can’t believe this kind of stuff still goes on.”
So Anderson University is holding racially segregated listening sessions and meetings now??? As a student that attends Anderson University this is extremely embarrassing and upsetting . It’s 2022 I can’t believe this kind of stuff still goes on.
— Maya Turner (@MayaaTurnerrr) April 12, 2022
Turner’s tweet attracted a lot of attention with one saying, “As a parent of a student attending Anderson University, I'm extremely disappointed to hear of this. We raised our children to see everyone the same and equally. This is, in our opinion, a racist activity. An anonymous survey would have been a better choice.” Another one shared, “No, no, no - you must have accidentally read a note from, say, the 1950's, or something. Because in 2022 we've moved past racial segregation of course. No sane college would segregate based on race - we've grown past that.” “Why would you need to separate BY RACE to voice an opinion? sounds like they’re planning for racial activity to occur in these sessions when as a student that should be far from your concern.??? … or does that NOT make sense to you?”!” the third user added.
As a parent of a student attending Anderson University, I'm extremely disappointed to hear of this. We raised our children to see everyone the same and equally. This is, in our opinion, a racist activity. An anonymous survey would have been a better choice.
— Christy (@DoodleLife77) April 12, 2022
No, no, no - you must have accidentally read a note from, say, the 1950's, or something. Because in 2022 we've moved past racial segregation of course. No sane college would segregate based on race - we've grown past that.
— ScientificHumanism (@Center4SciHuman) April 12, 2022
Why would you need to separate BY RACE to voice an opinion? sounds like they’re planning for racial activity to occur in these sessions when as a student that should be far from your concern.??? … or does that NOT make sense to you?”!”
— Llana (@llanachristine_) April 13, 2022