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Nicole Scherzinger accuses Conan O’Brien of staring at her inappropriately in wild TV moment

"You look fantastic. You may suffocate, but you look amazing," Conan O’Brien complimented Nicole Scherzinger.
Screenshot of Nicole Scherzinger and Conan O'Brien from the show 'Conan.' (Cover Image Source: YouTube | Photo By @TeamCoco)
Screenshot of Nicole Scherzinger and Conan O'Brien from the show 'Conan.' (Cover Image Source: YouTube | Photo By @TeamCoco)

Conan O’Brien is known for his laid-back, humorous approach to interviewing guests on his late-night shows. However, in 2011, an interview with Nicole Scherzinger took an unexpected turn when she accused the host of staring at her chest. The moment caught viewers off guard, but O’Brien stood his ground, handling the situation with his classic comedic timing. Scherzinger appeared on ‘Conan’ to discuss her role as a judge on ‘The X-Factor.’ The conversation started lightheartedly, with O’Brien complimenting her outfit, joking, "You look fantastic. You may suffocate, but you look amazing." Scherzinger laughed and responded, "I feel like a sausage."


As the discussion continued, Scherzinger suddenly called out O’Brien, saying he should be looking at her face instead of her chest. The moment was awkward, with O’Brien immediately responding, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!" However, this can not be the end if the interviewer is O'Brien. Rather than backing down, he exclaimed, "Let's be real for a second. You didn't think I was going to look down there?" He then exaggeratedly pretended to stare at her chest while making silly noises. He later remarked, "I just threw my neck out! Anyway, you were saying..." Scherzinger, unfazed, continued the conversation about Simon Cowell, playfully claiming, "I think that women actually go crazy for Simon's moobs," as reported by The Things.


O’Brien, initially confused by the term, burst into laughter when she explained, "They're strong, they're perky..."  He joked back, saying her chest was ‘screaming.’ While the moment ignited discussion, fans were divided on whether Scherzinger was joking or genuinely calling O'Brien out. On Reddit, one user wrote, "Conan handled this so well when Nicole busted him for staring." In agreement, someone else chimed in, "You can't win in this scenario, so you are best rolling with the punches as Conan, Andy, and Nicole did."


This wasn’t the only time an O’Brien interview took a strange turn. Another infamous monet involved Donald Trump. During an early appearance on O’Brien’s show, O’Brien asked Trump a seemingly simple question which he later recalled and revealed, "The first time we had Trump on our show, I asked him a question that I’d always wanted to ask someone who proclaimed to be a billionaire: ‘How much money do you have on you right now?’ He sort of said, ‘I don’t know, I maybe have some.’ I said, ‘No, no, what do you have?’ Then he stuck his hand in his pocket, and he clearly found something." Trump hesitated before reaching into his pocket, only to pull out a condom. He exclaimed, "Practice safe sex, everybody," as per reports.

Nicole Scherzinger poses at Claridge's ahead of The Fashion Awards 2023 on December 4, 2023 in London, England. (Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Hoda Davaine)
Nicole Scherzinger poses at Claridge's ahead of The Fashion Awards 2023 on December 4, 2023 in London, England. (Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Hoda Davaine)

According to O'Brien, Trump was furious during the commercial break. He spilled the beans, "He was pissed. He was really mad. I went to the commercial. He stood up. I don’t think he said goodbye to me, and he walked over to my producer and said, ‘That’s the last time I’m gonna be on this fucking show. He humiliated me in front of everybody.’ He stormed out…”  However, Trump did return multiple times afterward, proving that his outrage didn’t last forever.