Newborn 'hospitalized' after drinking doc-prescribed 'toxic' milk tainted with salmonella

No parent would want to see their child suffer, especially when every possible care is given. A 32-year-old father from Basildon, Essex, UK, recently figured that his baby girl who has been vomiting for days was suffering from drinking milk that had been recalled due to salmonella fears. The prescription given by doctors was killing the 4-month-old child as the formula milk is said to be totally ‘deadly.’
Little Ocean-Rose, the 4-month-old baby girl has been in and out of the hospital with severe vomiting, diarrhea, and fevers. Despite giving all possible care, the parents could not figure out why the child was feeling unwell. As prescribed by the doctors, the newborn was drinking milk formula for almost three weeks. When they ran out of stock, Danny visited the pharmacist to buy more but they were out of stock as well. Danny tried to call his family and friends for the milk but thankfully he did not get it. It is only the next day when Danny saw a social media post stating that the milk formula he was giving is tainted with salmonella. Furious dad then slammed the doctors and the company for putting his child at risk.
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The father, Danny Lovell, told The Sun, “Fuming is an understatement. I feel let down by the system. We’ve been pushed from pillar to post, in and out of the hospital, not being listened to. It’s like my daughter is being used as a pincushion. And we’re not getting any answers."
Did the manufacturers pay attention?
After Danny's news reached the manufacturing company, Abbott, the company issued an emergency recall for milk products that were suspected of being tainted with salmonella. Following Danny's incident, another news stating that a baby in the US died after swallowing the formula milk also came up. The news put pressure on the company and they released a statement that read: "We are sorry to hear about Mr. Lovell’s daughter and we hope she is doing well now. We value the trust parents place in us for high quality and safe nutrition and ensuring the safety and quality of our products is our top priority. Abbott conducts extensive quality checks on each completed batch of infant formula, including microbiological analysis prior to release. All infant formula products are tested for Cronobacter sakazakii, Salmonella Newport, and other pathogens and they must test negative before any product is released. Importantly, no distributed product has tested positive for the presence of either of these bacteria, including retained samples related to the four U.S. complaints, and we continue to test.”
Danny wasn’t convinced with the statement and blamed how the doctors who were supposed to tell the risks failed to do. He also mentioned how a social media post saved his child while it should be the doctors.
The current state of Ocean-Rose
Danny and his wife Georgia have switched their daughter's milk and are giving her a new formula to which she has been responding well. Ocean-Rose’s health has been improving and her illnesses have been seen to vanish in just a few hours since she started drinking the new milk. Danny further added, "When she's herself, she's happy, smiling, and she's just the most lovely baby there is. She'd been in discomfort, constipated, and had wind stuck in her lungs.” The UK government, however, decided to pull out the company's products from the shops.