Alaska woman finds baby in cardboard box with heartbreaking note from mom: 'Please take me'

In a fragile cardboard box in Alaska, an infant was abandoned by his mother who could not afford to feed the baby. Along with the baby wrapped in a blanket, a heartbreaking and desperate note written by the mother was found.
As confirmed by the Alaska Department of Public Safety, State Troopers Public Information Office, the abandoned baby was found around 2 pm on December 31, 2021. Authorities said they had recieved a report saying a newborn had been abandoned in a cardboard box at the Dolphin Way-Chena Point Avenue intersection. It looked like the baby had been left at this location not too long ago.
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Reportedly on New Year's Eve, the temperatures were at chilling single digits and definitely below 12. Roxy Lane, a resident of Fairbanks, heard a cooing sound. As she investigated further, she found this abandoned baby in the cardboard box with a note. The note read, "Please help me!!! I was born today on December 31, 2021 (at) 6 am. I was born 12 weeks premature. My mom was 28 weeks when she had me. My parents and grandparents don’t have food or money to raise me. They NEVER wanted to do this to me. Please take me and find me a LOVING FAMILY. My parents are begging whoever finds me. My name is Teshawn."
When Roxy found baby Teshawn, he was wrapped in a blanket and was softly cooing. Immediately, she contacted the State Troopers and the baby was then taken by EMS to a local hospital. Soon, it was reported that baby Teshawn was "found to be in good health." This is why the State Troopers said in their report that it seemed like the baby was left at that location very recently.
In her post, Lane explained that she found the abandoned baby in a box by a bunch of mailboxes around her house. Alaska's Safe Haven Law states that if parents are young and unaware they can give up their unwanted child or children at local hospitals, churches, police stations, or fire stations. She explained this by saying, "I’ve been processing my feelings all day and running through all the different scenarios and reasons, with my bf and family, as to why something like this could have happened."
In her post, she also added towards the end what felt like a heartfelt plead. Roxy Lane asked readers if they would have any clue about the mother. Lane anticipated that the mother may be in need of some type of medical attention or "might be in a desperate situation, feeling abandoned herself”.
Lane also added: "Clearly, someone in our community felt so lost and hopeless that they made probably the hardest choice of their lives to leave that innocent life on the side of the road with nothing but some blankets and a name. But she named him! There’s some love there, even if she made a terrible decision. Today I saved a baby and I’ll probably think about Teshawn for the rest of my life."