Why is 'NCIS: Los Angeles' Season 12 Episode 13 not airing on CBS? Here's what to expect when show returns

It's about to be a disappointing night for 'NCIS: Los Angeles' fans as they tune in to CBS in the hopes of catching another new episode. Spoiler alert, but 'NCIS: LA' is not airing tonight (March 7) or in the upcoming Sunday nights, for two weeks at least. With the future of Anna and Callen's relationship still up for debate, anticipation builds up about what's next. Unfortunately, CBS is yet to tease anything beyond the name of the upcoming episode on that department. Wondering why there's no new episode and when the show finally returns? Worry not, we've got your sorted.
Why is 'NCIS: Los Angeles' Season 12 Episode 13 not airing?
One would expect the answer to be halted production that the CBS procedural had to suffer in January 2021, but that is not the case this week. According to TV listings, the much-awaited tell all '60 Minutes' interview of Price Harry and Meghan Markle with Oprah Winfrey is scheduled to air on Sunday, March 7, from 8 pm on CBS. It's a two-hour special, so it will be taking up the 'NCIS:LA' time slot that is usually from 9 pm on Sundays this season.

But the same can't be said to excuse the show's off-air status on Sunday, March 15. The answer to why it's not airing is probably the lack of newer episodes filmed and ready. With the Covid-19 rules and regulations already restricting a lot of filming, network shows have been notorious with random breaks and hiatuses in their ongoing seasons. The worst-hit in that department seems to be the sister shows of the NCIS franchise, considering the original show hasn't taken time off airing that frequently as the newer spinoffs have so far.
Network shows are also known to go on steady winter breaks, or the designated mid-season break during the end of December till mid-January to avoid low traffic and viewership during the holiday season, but since the NCIS spin-offs aired steady every week at the time, the shows decided to take time off later in the months of February and March.
When will 'NCIS: Los Angeles' Season 12 Episode 13 air?
Usually, TV listings have names of episodes listed against the air dates even for repeat telecasts, but according to Futon Critic, nothing of the sort is going to air on Sunday, March 15. The following Sunday, March 21, will see Season 12's Episode 3 'The Bear' air on CBS at the show's usual time slot. Following that, finally on Sunday, March 28, 'NCIS: Los Angeles' returns with Season 12's Episode 13 at 9 pm only on CBS. So far, all we know is the title of the episode which is 'Red Rover, Red Rover'.
While there's no official synopsis yet, speculations aren't difficult to deduce based on what's going on in the show right now. Callen surely has a lot to decide and reconsider now that Anna's mysterious disappearance has been busted, but the risk to her life remains with a Russian assassin on the run. Showbosses have however confirmed that Callen, although swirling with doubt, will take a massive step to solidify his and Anna's relationship so we think wedding bells will soon be ringing in.
'NCIS: Los Angeles' Season 12 airs on Sundays at 9 pm only on CBS.