'My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now': Seana Collins was approved for surgery, but then she weighed herself
KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI: Seana Collins appears to have maintained a low profile on social media, leaving fans uncertain whether the 'My 600-lb Life' star underwent weight reduction surgery or achieved her goal of shedding 300 pounds.
Just as Seana Collins was on the brink of surgery approval, the onset of Covid-19 disrupted her plans, leading to a setback in her progress. Sadly, her weight increased to 730 pounds, surpassing her initial weight when she first began therapy with Dr Younan Nowzaradan two years and seven months earlier.
Two months after her surgery was denied, Seana expressed her dismay, acknowledging the emotional toll it had taken on her. Despite her uncertainty about her ability to complete Dr Now's program, we remain hopeful that Seana was able to make progress and improve her health.

Who is Seana Collins in 'My 600lb Life'?
'My 600-lb Life', Season 8, Episode 9, viewers are introduced to Seana, a 23-year-old from Kansas City who weighs 660 pounds.
At the beginning of the video, she states, "Every day of my life feels like it's harder than the last, and like things keep getting worse for me because of my size." She also states that she doesn't "want to look this way" and that she feels "trapped most of the time because of how hard it is to move and get around."
In 'My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?' Season 9, Episode 5, viewers gain further insight into Seana's journey, discovering that she made significant progress. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Seana experienced a relapse and reverted to her unhealthy eating habits.

What happened to Seana Collins in 'My 600lb Life'?
Seana despises her body "more than anything in the whole world" and feels "like a monster just walking around." As one of the youngest cases featured on the program, she reveals that growing up in an abusive household played a significant role in her early weight gain.
"I've had a really hard life," she claims, "And I feel like it's just been chaos since I was born." Seana recounts enduring both physical and psychological abuse from her father, leading her to seek solace in food from a young age.
"Eating made me feel like I was going to be OK, like nothing got worse," she claims. By the age of eight, she already weighed over 150 pounds, and by ten, she had gained another 100 pounds, bringing her weight to over 250 pounds.
Seana recalls that she struggled to make friends because other "kids started making fun of me for how big I was." "My perspective was that I had food as my friend and didn't need anyone else," Seana says.
Seana made the difficult decision to leave high school at sixteen due to reaching 400 pounds and enduring severe bullying. However, the lack of activities at home plunged her into a deep sadness, prompting her mother to admit her to a mental health facility for support.
According to Seana's account, for the following year, she admits to doing nothing but eating. Additionally, during this time, she invited a man she met online to move in with her. Unfortunately, due to his addiction issues, Seana was introduced to methamphetamine, which led to her addiction.
"It was a downward spiral until my mom came and got me," she says. Seana went into a mental health facility once more, and upon her discharge, she kept eating to cope. Therefore, Seana was in terrible circumstances when we first met her. Her mother drives her to Houston, where Dr Now works.
During their initial encounter, the man predicts the events unfolding on screen over the next hour and a half. "My concern about Seana right now," he continues, "is that she doesn't seem too motivated to start turning her life around."

Did Seana Collins lose weight in 'My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?'
Seana's dedication to changing her life appears lacking, despite her assurances to Dr Now and her speeches. Seasoned viewers are aware that before authorizing gastric bypass surgery, Dr Now needs his patients to demonstrate their self-control in the first few months of therapy by reducing weight.
In essence, Seana fails to meet the requirements. Seana just leaves at the mandatory weight check-in, which happens around the two-month mark. She admits, "I was too scared to go." Why?
Since she "was too scared of what he would say" to ask for another copy of Dr Now's diet printout, she misplaced the original. As you may guess, when she does show up after a few months, Dr Now is not pleased.
Seana's progress is far from the expected forty pounds per month, as she only manages to shed one pound monthly. When she misses her six-month checkup, Dr. Now decides that she must travel to Houston since her weight is not dropping off on its own.
Seana's weight loss journey shows progress for the first time, with her shedding 35 pounds by that point She excitedly admits, "I've never lost that type of weight before."
Viewers may initially believe that Seana could have the most significant character arc and narrative surprise of the season. However, regrettably, this turns out not to be the case.
Following Dr. Now's recommendation, Seana begins therapy. However, she resorts to her old coping mechanism of binge eating to handle the emotional challenges the treatment brings up. By month 10, she had only managed to drop 25 pounds, and by month 12, she had gained weight.
As Seana starts to show signs of improvement, Dr. Now decides to remove her from his program. However, he offers her the opportunity to reapply in six months. In her 'My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?' episode, Seana is seen making considerable improvement a year and one month after her initial consultation with Dr Now.
She is not only exercising and swimming, but she is also having her portions and continuing her therapy with Dr Matthew Paradise. Three months later, after demonstrating to Dr Now that she can lose 50 pounds, he approves her for surgery. However, the enthusiasm lasts only briefly.

'My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?' Season 9 airs on TLC at 8 pm ET on Wednesdays.