'Ms Marvel' Episode 3 Review: A thrilling episode that unravels mystery of the 'Clandestines'

Contains spoilers for 'Ms Marvel' Episode 3
'Ms Marvel' premiered its third episode titled ‘Destined’ and the new chapter answers the secrets and questions that were raised in the previous episodes while also opening up more conundrums. Episode 2 ended with a shocking cliffhanger that saw Kamala escape the Department of Damage Control, thanks to Kamran and his mother who turns out to be the mysterious woman Kamala keeps seeing in her visions. Episode 3 gives more information and reveals the identity of Kamran’s mother as well as the origin of the bangle.
The episode opens with a flashback to British-occupied India in 1942. A group of people is searching for something in a collapsing cave that has the symbol of the 10 rings carved into the floor. Turns out they were searching for the bangle and it’s discovered by the same woman Kamala (Iman Vellani) has been seeing in her visions -- Najma. A disturbing fact is that the bangle also happens to be on a severed blue arm. Another mysterious woman enters the cave and is revealed to be Aisha, Kamala Khan’s great-grandmother. She investigates the bangle and a man mentions there is another missing bangle to be found as well. Unfortunately, the British soldiers enter the cave and the group realizes they’ve got to leave immediately. Aisha decides that one bangle is enough and when she puts it on, she feels a cosmic power. With a promise to see each other soon, both Najma and Aisha go separate ways to avoid the soldiers.
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In the present day, Najma reveals to a stunned Kamala that it was the last time she saw Aisha and the bangle. It is also revealed that the four people in the flashback are still the same age in the present day. Being from another dimension, their separation from Aisha led to them discovering Kamala and the bangle. Najma reveals further that they were exiled from their dimension, not by choice, and are just trying to get back home with the help of the bangle. In another scene, Najma explains that they didn’t even realize Aisha had any family until Kamala put on the bangle and they sensed her "Noor" (light). In this dimension, they can’t unlock their full powers but somehow, Kamala can with the help of the bangle. From Najma’s tone, it is obvious that Najma wants the bangle. In an important scene in the episode as Kamala enquires about their dimension and origins. Najma explains that since they are from the Noor dimension, they're "Clandestines" and are more commonly referred to as "djinn".

Later in the episode, Kamala tells everything to Bruno and asks for his help. Bruno investigates the djinn and finds out that there’s a group of djinn who were exiled from their own dimensions and have been forced to live out the rest of their days in another dimension. They need a primordial power to get home. Bruno figures out that the djinn are dangerous people and explains this in simple terms to Kamala by warning that “if you help them go home, some things might go boom.”

On the other hand, Najma finds out through Kamran’s phone that Kamala wants to help but she can’t right now as she needs more time. While Kamran is okay with the situation, Najma is not. She’s done playing nice and prepares to get the bangle from Kamala. During Aamir’s wedding, Kamran rushes to the reception to warn Kamala about his mother and her team and how they are going to kill her. As Kamala successfully gets all the guests of the wedding to leave the room, she is attacked by four Clandestines. What follows is a dangerous fight between the Clandestines and Kamala where it is certain that the djinn are even ready to kill Kamala for it. Bruno tries to help Kamala but gets injured. Najma almost gets her hand on the bangle and grabs Kamala’s wrist when all of a sudden, another vision appears showing a train as both Kamala and Najma stare at it in shock. This is followed by the entry of Department of Damage Control agents who manage to knock out all the Clandestines as Kamala and Bruno escape from the scene.
Towards the end of the episode, Kamala gets a call from her Nanni (maternal grandmother) Sana in Pakistan. Out of the blue, Sana insists that Kamala should immediately visit Karachi. While Kamala is confused, Sana explains that Kamala and her mother must come to Pakistan as she saw the vision of a train too. Overall, Episode 3 is slow-paced compared to the first two chapters. However, it manages to answer a lot of assumptions regarding Kamala's powers and origin. With only three episodes left, the next chapter is expected to unravel more about Kamala's family history and its connection with the bangle. Why does Sana want Kamala to come to Pakistan? What will happen to the Clandestines and most importantly, where is Aisha? Stay tuned next week to find out what happens next.
The third episode of 'Ms Marvel' is available on Disney+.