'Money Heist' Season 5 Episode 1: Professor apologizes while predicting death

Spoilers for 'Money Heist' Part 5 Volume 1
We already knew that Professor is in trouble as soon as it was revealed that Alicia Sierra (Najwa Nimri) has found his den. The disgraced police officer came face to face with a man who was responsible for the humiliation she faced in front of the whole nation and was kicked out of her job. Now, she wants to revenge and will do anything for that.
Season 4 ended with Alicia entering the hideout and meeting Professor (Alvaro Morte). The final season starts from the exact spot and we see a conversation happening between her and the mastermind behind all the heists. She points a gun at him and says she’ll kill him if he tries to move. Alicia also noted that she will be handing him out to the police and make sure that he is charged with terrorism. A brief fight sequence ends in Professor getting knocked out and tied to a chair.
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'Money Heist' Part 5 Vol 1: Indian firm gives employees leave to watch Netflix series
Elsewhere, the group tries to contact Professor but they don’t get a reply and they decide to contact him once again after 20 minutes. We cut to Professor and Alicia once again as the former police officer tries getting all the info out of his mouth. But, we all know how strong Professor is. She threatens him to shoot, to which, Professor replies this is not the first time someone has threatened to shoot me.
Alicia goes a step forward and she really SHOOTS the Professor on his left foot. The pain in his eyes will be felt by all the viewers, but he manages to give nothing away. Alicia threatens to shoot again and Professor says that they are going to melt Gold into ingots and pellets of 2mm so that they can be easily taken out. He also reveals that the ingots are coming out through the bank sewage system and will pass the police officers waiting for them.
She tortures him further and throws him away from a ramp. Now, Professor is in mid-air like a pendulum experiencing a lot of pain. But Professor is serious and tells her that he is never going to turn his group in. He also says that the plan is designed to survive any setbacks, including his death.
Professor dodged death once again and gets into the head Alicia. She leaves him hanging there as the scene comes to an end.
A few moments later, the team contacts him again, telling him that Plan Paris was successful and now they are heading for extracting the gold. Professor says there will no extraction and it is possibly the last time he is talking to everyone because the stormwater tank has been discovered. He apologizes to everyone in an emotional scene that will make fans reach for the tissues.
But, do you think that the professor will just let the entire plan fall away because Alicia has discovered his hideout? He has a plan for everything, so I believe, something special will come up in the latter part of the series that will blow everyone’s mind. Also, what will the group do now? With Professor not talking, it’ll be Lisbon taking a decision and it will be highly impossible for her to have clear thought after hearing that her partner is in danger.
That was the perfect first episode for the new season to start and was mixed with good action scenes and engaging person-to-person conversations.
‘Money Heist’ Part 5 Volume 1 is currently streaming on Netflix.