Who is Leigh Ann Bauman's mother-in-law? Missouri realtor texted her daughter 'your grandma WILL die soon'

LAKE OF THE OZARKS, MISSOURI: Lake of the Ozarks' glamorous realtor Leigh Ann Bauman has been charged with plotting the murder of her ex-mother-in-law after she allegedly planned to pay a hitman to do the job. Just days before her arrest, Bauman reportedly sent some chilling texts to her daughter saying that her grandmother will soon be dead.
The said grandmother, who has been identified as 'SRB' in the official police complaint filed against Bauman, has already admitted that she is "scared to death" after learning about Bauman's plans. But that's not all. Bauman's ex-mother-in-law also believes that the botox-loving real estate mom "wouldn't hesitate to hurt her daughters" to get even with SRB.

Who is Leigh Ann Bauman's mother-in-law?
Identified as 'SRB' in the police complaint filed against Bauman, the realtor's ex-mother-in-law is terrified after learning of the threats against her life. Bauman's motive for the hire-for-murder plot was that her ex-husband and his 74-year-old mother aka SRB were planning on seeking custody of Bauman's two daughters. After Bauman's arrest in March and subsequent release on a $400,000 bond, a judge granted SRB and her son an order of protection to keep himself and his children safe as Bauman awaits trial for conspiring to commit first-degree murder.
Ahead of her arrest, Bauman had also sent a text to one of her daughters, mentioning her plans for SRB's fate. In the text, Bauman had written: "Just because your grandma WILL die soon, please do not throw your REAL mother under the bus." Speaking about the text following the initial hearing in Bauman's case, SRB said, "I'm scared to death... she wouldn't hesitate to hurt her daughters to get even with me, and she wouldn't hesitate to hurt my children because she knows it would destroy me."

What did Bauman plan?
The official police complaint obtained by Heavy details the charges against Bauman and notes: "The Prosecuting Attorney of the County of Camden, State of Missouri, charges that the defendant, in violation of Section 562.014, RSMo., committed the class C felony of conspiracy, punishable upon conviction under Sections 562.014, 558.002 and 558.011, RSMo, in that on or between March 1, 2021, and March 5, 2021, in the County of Camden, State of Missouri, the defendant, with the purpose of promoting or facilitating the offense of murder in the first degree, a class A felony, agreed with “witness” that they would hire someone to murder SRB, and that in furtherance of the conspiracy they discussed and agreed upon a price, agreed upon a location of the murder, how it was to look like an accident, and agreed on a time and place to meet with the hitmen, and pay them, and defendant provided an address of SRB to “witness”, to give to the hitmen."
If convicted, Bauman faces up to 10 years in prison. Her trial date is yet to be set.

Why did Bauman plan to kill SRB?
Bauman was arrested after a friend of hers recorded her in an allegedly intoxicated state, while she allegedly shared her plans surrounding her ex-mother-in-law's murder. The motive? Identifying herself as CK, court documents reveal that one day Bauman had gone to pick up her children, but they reportedly refused to go with her. This led Bauman to believe her ex-husband and his mother, SRB, were trying to interfere in her relationship with her children.
Bauman then proceeded to text CK asking "Do you know anybody?" When CK texted back asking if she was looking for marijuana, Bauman replied: "No, I want a hitman, somebody to get rid of her (mother-in-law)." CK questioned Bauman asking if she was serious, to which the realtor replied saying, "she knew it was wrong as a Christian, but she would go to church and ask for forgiveness after it was done," claim prosecutors.

Was Bauman framed?
Subsequently, one evening Bauman invited CK to her house where the informant happened to record the realtor talking about hiring someone to kill her ex-mother-in-law. In a conversation recorded by CK, where they claim to have found the hitman Bauman requested for, the realtor says, "Oh okay, that's a reasonable price," about paying the killer-for-hire $1,500. Bauman reportedly expressed her desire to go to bank the next day on May 4, to presumably arrange the payment, but instead ended up being interviewed by troopers after her friend snitched on her.
According to court documents, Bauman 'gasped' and blamed everything on her friend-turned-informant, calling her a 'hustler' who was trying to get money from her. Bauman maintains that she is being framed. She had allegedly left a police interview halfway for a botox appointment. When she returned, she denied planning to have her mother-in-law killed but was taken into custody and arrested. Siding with her ex, Ozarks locals told The Daily Beast, "I don't think anyone who knows her or who knows of her is surprised by the arrest," dubbing her a "narcissist" and an "opportunist". They added: "It's very much all about her and what benefits her. She just used people for her own personal gains."