Who is Megan Zalonka? Matt Gaetz paid Instagram model to have sex, they snorted together in coke-fueled party

Florida congressman Matt Gaetz seems to be in trouble over a 2019 “Trump Defender Gala” as he left for Westgate Lake Resort in Orlando for an afterparty with some women. According to Daily Beast, Gaetz left with a woman he knew very well. In fact, the website reported that the woman identified as Megan Zalonka got paid by the Congressman.
According to the same publication, two witnesses spilled the beans that Gaetz and legalizing cannabis association spokeswoman Zalonka were together at a cocaine-fueled party after the event. The publication reports that Megan Zalonka is also an escort and an amateur Instagram model. Matt Gaetz’ one-time wingman, Joel Greenberg will identify Zalonka to investigators as one of the 15 young women Gaetz paid for sex, as revealed by a source. According to other sources and government records obtained by The Daily Beast, Megan Zalonka turned her relationship with Greenberg into a taxpayer-funded no-show job and pocketed an estimated $7,000 to $17,500.
What really happened at the cocaine-fueled afterparty?
Two witnesses present at the afterparty recalled that Zalonka prepared lines of cocaine on the bathroom counter. One remembered her pulling the drugs out of her makeup bag, rolling it in a bill of cash and joining Gaetz in snorting the cocaine. However, The Daily Beat could not confirm whether the two had sex or not. However, one source spilled the beans saying they shared a financial relationship in exchange for sex.
“She was just one of the many pieces of arm candy he had.” Refuting the rumors, Matt Gaetz, who has declared that he “never paid for sex”, reportedly wrote off his stay at the hotel as a campaign expense. Gaetz’s public relations firm, Logan Circle Group, had issued a statement saying, “Congressman Gaetz won’t be commenting on whether he dated or didn’t date specific women. The privacy of women living private lives should be protected.” Gaetz has also maintained that he won’t resign from his position.
The Florida congressman is reportedly under investigation by the Department of Justice over alleged sexual misconduct and claims that he broke sex trafficking laws. He has so far denied all the allegations including earlier reports of him and his wingman Joel Greenberg having sex with a woman who was apparently 17 years old at the time. It is reported that investigators are looking into the matter of whether Greenberg was a go-to person for arranging paid sexual encounters for Gaetz.

Who is Megan Zalonka?
According to The Daily Beast, Zalonka is an amateur fashion model and also the communications director for the American Medical Marijuana Physicians Association. Greenberg, who is married, apparently paid her $4,000 on Venmo during his first year in office in 2017. The payment was mostly in $500 installments. He cited different reasons for paying Zalonka. According to Venmo’s memo fields, he paid her $500 for “Stuff”, $500 for “Other stuff” and $1,000 for “Pool”, $500 for “Food” and another $500 for “Appetizers” on a single day in November.

Zalonka soon turned this into a business opportunity as she stayed in touch with him and created her own company called MZ Strategy Group LLC, as revealed by the emails shared between Greenberg and Zalonka, reports The Daily Beast. She is also featured in Greenberg’s Venmo transactions, which include payments to more than 40 women. He reportedly planned to have sex with them. After the controversy, Zalonka’s attorney said the publication’s allegations were not “accurate” adding that his client “is not speaking to any media outlet.”