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‘MAFS’: From first ‘I love you’s to struggling with physical intimacy, here’s an update on Season 12's couples

Looks like the couples still have a long way to go before their 'happily afters'
All the couples of 'Married At First Sight' (Lifetime)
All the couples of 'Married At First Sight' (Lifetime)

Finding the perfect partner is never easy, neither is trying to make a relationship work. Add reality TV to the mix and it's like playing the game of love on hard mode. And if anyone can testify to just how difficult it all is, it would have to be the Season 12 couples of 'Married at First Sight'.

With most of the couples settled into their new apartments, this week had each of them address some intimate topics to help them grow closer and know each other better.

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While most couples seem to be making the required effort, they all aren't quite where they'd like to be. While some are on the same emotional wavelength, others seem to be struggling with the physical aspect of being a couple.

Here's a look at where the couples currently are in their journey to find their happily ever after.

Couples who've said the 3 big words — I love you

Vincent Morales and Briana Morris

While Morales and Morris seem like they're absolutely perfect for each other, there are definitely a few cracks in this relationship. If anything, this episode highlighted the two interesting sides of this couple. Morales is definitely the far more sensitive one of the two and Morris is learning how to work with and around this fact.

Morales does have his good points — he clearly remembered a conversation he had with Morris on their wedding day regarding the couple going cycling and Morris mentioned that she wanted a cycle. Morales delivered — he got her a cycle complete with a basket he ordered for Morris' dog cookie.

But while that was a cute moment, Morris planned a couples dance class for them which quickly turned sour when Morales couldn't keep up. He was visibly irritated through the dance class, even though he wouldn't admit it. The couple did come clean to each other about being in love and the fact that they were growing in love — we're going to keep our fingers crossed.

Erik Lake and Virginia Coombs



Lake and Coombs honestly seemed like poles apart, yet the pair is determined to look past their differences. When the experts provided them with questions in order to have a deeper conversation, the pair spoke about their past relationships. Lake admitted that he hadn't been in love for the past three years.

This seemed to put a lot of pressure on Virginia, seeing that they both had a very different understanding of love. While Lake watched his parents stay together for a significant amount of time, Coombs' parents divorced early on and although her father remarried, even that ended up in divorce.

The couple came to an understanding that although it might take time, they did want to make it work. It helped that Lake set up a romantic evening for Coombs, complete with a home-cooked meal — he even serenaded her later with a song he was writing for her. The two admitted that they were in love with each other -- here's hoping the feeling stays the same till decision day.

Couples struggling with intimacy

Jacob Harder and Haley Harris


Harder and Harris have not had it easy this season — although the two reconciled after Hrader accused Harris of possibly cheating or seeing someone else, they are still far from okay. The running theme for the pair has Harder's issue with Harris' silence regarding if she's attracted to him or not. While Harris claims she didn't find him unattractive, the initial blowout between the two has made it harder for her to be intimate with him.

However, she did say that she signed up for the show for a reason and that she wanted to make it work, even though it would take some time. The two of them seemed to put in a conscious effort — Harris went shopping and brought Harder some new clothes, something he admitted that no one has ever done for him and they even threw a little get-together for the other couples.

The couple went out on a lunch date and seemed to be communicating more. Their fate remains undecided for now, but they're clearly trying.

Ryan Oubre and Clara Fergus


Although Oubre and Fergus seemed to be getting along, Fergus has made it plenty clear that she wishes they were more intimate. As someone who tends to go all in every relationship, the fact that Oubre has never said "I love you" or the fact that he's taking it extremely slow in the bedroom has the two struggling to find common ground as well, leaving their fate undecided for now.

The undecided fate of Paige Banks and Chris Williams

While Banks seems to have called it quits, the recent conversation between the two had them discussing a "reset" to their entire situation. This leaves them with two options — either they maintain cordiality or give this relationship a chance. Seeing that Banks did say that's what she wanted from the start, their current status has us confused for the most part. We hope Banks lets this marriage met its end, and with it, all the drama that Williams brought to the table.

Catch Season 12 of 'Married at First Sight' on Lifetime on Wednesdays at 8/7c. For more information, check your local listings.