'Manifest' Season 4: Cal's abnormal growth could help him escape the Registry and save the planet

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: As the supernatural drama series is on its final chapter, Netflix's 'Manifest' still has several mysteries to untangle, particularly that of Cal's age. This one mystery brings with it the possibility of unlocking the answer to saving the Earth. As the viewers are waiting for the final part of the final season of 'Manifest' to drop, the answers to the burning questions might have been planted beforehand in Season 4 part 1. And the most obvious and significant one is the rapid aging of Cal and his role in the big picture of events.
Season 4 of Netflix's 'Manifest' has seen the character of Cal Stone taken over by Ty Doran. Cal was played by Jack Messina for the first three seasons, while Doran plays his older version in the ongoing season. The cast of season 4 of 'Manifest' includes Melissa Roxburgh as Michaela Stone, Josh Dallas as Ben Stone, JR Ramirez as Jared Vasquez, Luna Blaise as Olive Stone, Parveen Kaur as Saanvi Bahl, Matt Long as Zeke Landon, Holly Taylor as Angelina Meyer, Daryl Edwards as Robert Vance, Jared Grimes as Adrian Shannon, Ellen Tamaki as Drea Mikami and Ali Lopez-Sohali as Eagan Tehrani.
What day and time will 'Manifest' Season 4 be out on Netflix?
High stakes
Part I of season 4 of 'Manifest' has raised the stakes heavily. This is mostly due to the newly introduced department called The Registry, a subsidiary of the New York City Police Department. And so far, the main task of The Registry has been to persecute and detain each and every passenger of the fateful Flight 828. They have already captured Eagan, and Saanvi and Vance are not far behind.
But that is not even the worst part. The end of the world is near and with the information revealed so far, doomsday will come through the volcanic eruption of Mount Ararat, while Angelina may or may not be the one to start it all with her Omega Sapphire. But there might be a glimmer of hope amid all the mess and it comes through none other than Cal.
Is loophole in Cal's age the key?
While the other passengers of Flight 828 can be easily caught, Cal might have the perfect loophole to escape the eyes of The Registry and possibly save the earth before June 2, 2024, which is when the apocalypse is said to happen. By the end of season 3, Cal is seen growing abruptly, making him unrecognizable to the public. This inexplicable change led him to change his identity to Gabriel Stone. With no one to recognize him, Cal can easily evade The Registry.
Besides, if the divine consciousness has purposefully aged Cal in order to take the necessary steps, it is up to Cal to save everyone. And this choice of picking Cal to be the 'one' is not exactly surprising. Right from season 1, it has been established that Cal is more special than the rest of the passengers, with him having strong 'Callings' (visions on 'Manifest') than the others, making him a Dragon. If he gets captured, the whole world is doomed. But if he succeeds, then Cal is definitely the last glimmer of hope.
The first four seasons of 'Manifest' are streaming on Netflix. The release date of Part 2 of Season 4 is yet to be announced.