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Internet blasts 'controlling' man for spoiling wife and daughter's make believe world

The man was creeped out by his wife's behaviour and thought she had been acting 'like a child' around their daughter
The mother was playing at being a princess with her daughter (Adam Berry/Getty Images, Reddit)
The mother was playing at being a princess with her daughter (Adam Berry/Getty Images, Reddit)

Kids have vivid imaginations and it is a parent's job to cultivate it. The internet is not impressed with a dad who refused to play along with his wife and daughter in make believe. The scenario was posted by Original Poster (OP), u/Efficient_Expert_686, on Reddit's popular forum "Am I The A**hole." The post has garnered more than 15k upvotes and 5k comments from fellow Redditors. 

In the Reddit post titled, "AITA for telling my wife that she isn’t a princess?", OP wrote, "For the past several months, she has been eerily acting like a child. I understand that she’s playing with our daughter, but it comes across as weird to me to the degree that she plays the role."


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'You’re an adult not a princess'

He further said in the post, "Our daughter wanted a mini pizza and so she asked me to make her one. I was, and then my wife said me too because I’m a princess too. I told her no, you’re an adult not a princess. I’ll make you one, but you’re an adult. She laughed nervously and said ok, never mind. Our daughter heard and said “dad mom is a princess too.” I just said hmm hmm, agreeing; but I didn’t want to have to explain to her. I did feel bad because my wife changed out of her princess clothes too, but I don’t know whether this whole ordeal makes me an asshole."

Reddit post (Reddit)
Reddit post (Reddit)

'How insecure and controlling are you?'

Redditors branded the man YTA (You're The A**hole), calling him out for being a party pooper and not knowing how to have fun with your kids. One user cheekily responded, "The only correct "no" response to "I'm a princess too" was "No you're not, you're a queen." YTA."

Reddit comment (Reddit)
Reddit comment (Reddit)

Another user wrote, "YTA Way to spoil your wife's fun with your daughter. How insecure and controlling are you? And I really love how you ended this pathetic little tale with how "you don't know if this makes you an asshole". I bet you do lots of asshole stuff and claim ignorance afterwards."

Reddit comment (Reddit)
Reddit comment (Reddit)

A third user echoed the sentiment, "She's having fun with your daughter, you sound very bitter / angry for no reason. Let her have fun and be playfully immature with her child - there is literally no harm to it and your weird hang ups / insecurities are making you not enjoy this. Why not be a prince and play along? It's fun. YTA."

Reddit comment (Reddit)
Reddit comment (Reddit)

Another Redditor called the man out for his behavior towards his wife, "YTA for the way you spoke to your wife. Telling your wife that she's not a princess in that manner comes across as condescending and dismissive of her playfulness with your daughter. Your wife was just trying to play along with your daughter's imagination, and you essentially shut her down and made her feel silly for it. You could have expressed your concerns about your wife's behavior in a more respectful and considerate way. It's important to support and validate your partner, even if you don't always understand their actions."

Reddit comment (Reddit)
Reddit comment (Reddit)

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