'Legacies' Season 2 Episode 15: Salvatore School is in danger as dark Josie wreaks havoc to win the Merge

While the world is hunkering down in preparation to practice self-isolation and quarantine during the current crisis, we still have some shows left to provide entertainment and relief to viewers at home. 'Legacies' has just six episodes left this season and dark Josie is ready to wreak havoc in Mystic Falls.
After the simulation exercise conducted by Emma Tig in last week's episode, dark Josie has taken over Josie Saltzman's body. Though everyone else makes it out safely, dark Josie had other plans for Lizzie, her twin sister.
She wanted to trap Lizzie in the simulation world, leaving Lizzie in an unconscious state in the real world, making it easy for dark Josie to absorb Lizzie during the Merge.
The Merge is a curse for the Gemini coven where twins have to go through the process during their 22nd birthday — the more powerful twin absorbs the weaker twin and becomes the leader of the coven.
The twins' father, Alaric, and their birth mother, Caroline Forbes (from 'The Vampire Diaries'), have been trying their best to find a cure for the Merge before the twins' 22nd birthday. However, it looks like dark Josie wants to bring forward the process by five years as she prepares to have the Merge happen on the twins' 17th birthday.
Lizzie is left to make a difficult decision. Does she decide to show up and go through the process or wait till the Super Squad can do something to deal with dark Josie? Meanwhile, Hope Mikaelson has to take a drastic decision when she and Alaric clash over how to handle an issue involving Josie.
Finally, Rafael Waithe will be making a heartbreaking discovery in this week's episode. In last week's episode, Rafael discovered that the Necromancer was within the simulation exercise, though he does not divulge this information to anybody.
Fans immediately suspected that Rafael may be dead and is under the Necromancer's control. When Rafael was discovered after a period of absence in a previous episode, he was gagged and tied up, though we do not know who may have done that to him. This week's episode could give viewers a definite answer.
'Legacies' airs on The CW on Thursday nights at 9/8c. Watch the promo for this week's episode below.