Kim Kardashian DEFEATS Hillary Clinton in legal knowledge quiz on documentary series 'Gutsy'

'Gutsy,' a documentary series by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, which debuts on Apple TV+ on September 9 is jam-packed with eye-catching moments honouring daring and fearless women. One highlight that has stuck with the show's hosts and executive producers personally was the former secretary of state competing against law student Kim Kardashian in a legal knowledge competition.
Following a series of questions addressing the use of deadly force, the difference between extortion and robbery, and whether a claim of self-defense is valid, Kim easily won with an 11 while Hillary got a 4. In the episode with Kim, Hillary remarked, "I think Kim has an unfair advantage." Chelsea acknowledges this and tells her mother, "Kim has studied more recently than you."
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Kim acknowledges in the episode that it was difficult to pass the "baby bar" exam on her third attempt after completing her first year of legal studies through an apprenticeship with a San Francisco law firm. "My kids were there every time I opened my results, and so they'd see me cry," Kim said. "And the last time, they saw me cry the best tears of happiness that I did it."
Kim Kardashian beats Hillary Clinton in a legal quiz on @AppleTV's new series, #Gutsy.
— E! News (@enews) August 24, 2022
The Clintons claim that they left their day of filming with 'The Kardashians' star feeling inspired. In a recent interview with People, Hillary remarks on failing the test, "Oh, it was heartbreaking!" Chelsea gave her mother a saving option when it came to how Yale-educated Hillary fared against the legal novice. "I think she just needs to work on her reaction time," Chelsea said. "Sometimes, I could see my mom knew what the answer was, but she wouldn't hit the buzzer in time."
"She worked so hard (on the bar) and persevered," Hillary said. "We didn't interview her about fashion... her many lines of commerce... her personal life. We interviewed about what she was doing to help get people who were unjustly or unfairly incarcerated have a second chance," said Hillary. "She's very self-aware that her celebrity can make a difference positively, and where it may make a negative difference."
"She never wants to make a negative difference, so being judicious and thoughtful about when and where and how she engages was really impressive to us. I want, even beyond this series, to do whatever I can to help her in that work," Hillary said. Chelsea is prepared to support Kardashian's cause as well.
Hillary claims she wanted to see Kardashian succeed. She said, "I was really intrigued by how well she did. I wanted to put the spotlight on her, not that she needs it, but she worked really hard to get that." She was then asked, "You're not saying you let her win, are you?"
"No! I'm not saying that," without hesitating, Hillary swiftly responded. "It's more the reaction time." The documentary has eight episodes and is filled with moments of Chelsea trying to learn how to surf, Hillary canoeing with a former white supremacist, and the mother-daughter painting session with Megan Thee Stallion by her swimming pool. 'Gutsy' is a new television series from HiddenLight Productions, a company Hillary and Chelsea founded. The television series is based on a mother-daughter collaboration's 2019 book, 'The Book of Gutsy Women'.
What do @kimkardashian, @gloriasteinem, @theestallion, and @janegoodallinst all have in common? They're gutsy.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 23, 2022
Join us for intimate conversations with some of the world's boldest and bravest women.#Gutsy premieres September 9 on Apple TV+.