Jolissa Fuentes: Body of missing California woman found at car crash site after two months of search

FRESNO, CALIFORNIA: After a two-month search, police have found the body of Jolissa Fuentes, a California woman who had been missing. According to the authorities, her car left Trimmer Springs Road and crossed over Maxon Road north of Pine Flat Lake, leading to the assumption that an automobile accident caused her death.
As per Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims, the 22-year-old's body was discovered at the scene of the crash at the bottom of a 400-foot cliff in a rural area of Fresno County north of Pine Flat Lake after authorities discovered evidence that Fuentes' automobile had driven off the road. On August 7, Fuentes' family filed a missing person's report when she did not return home from a family gathering early that morning to get some belongings. She was last seen driving a 2011 silver Hyundai Accent that was discovered at the site as she left a convenience shop, according to officials as stated by New York Post. While the reason for the collision is still unknown, authorities said they think Fuentes was probably exhausted from being up all night. Police had previously looked in the area where Fuentes was discovered. However, they were hampered by thick bushes. Officials stated that to collect Fuentes' body on October 10, search and rescue teams had to rappel down more than 400 feet.
Disappearance of Jolissa Fuentes: Missing Selma woman's best friend Javie was SHOT DEAD last year
Human Remains Found Believed to be of Missing Selma Woman Jolissa Fuentes
— Fresno Co Sheriff (@FresnoSheriff) October 11, 2022
At the news conference on October 11, Fuentes' parents, Joey Fuentes and Norma Nunez fought back tears as they thanked the public and local law police for their efforts in finding their daughter and stood with law enforcement. “I want to thank the community, not just the community, this whole nation. The cries and the pain of my wife and my sisters and my family was heard around this whole country,” Joey said while sobbing. According to him, Selma Police Chief Rudy Alcarez made a commitment to finding his daughter and kept it. He also expressed his gratitude to everyone for the assistance his family has received. Following the discovery of her body, Jolissa’s sister, Irene Fuentes, shared a heartbreaking emotional post on Facebook, bidding farewell and recalling the love they shared for each other.
In a last-ditch effort, law enforcement officials and family members combed Fresno County west of Selma using drones among other tools in their search. Before Fuentes was located, officers searched the Pine Flat region for hours in off-road vehicles and with the aid of helicopters. The search team even included independent divers from Adventures with Purpose. In a Northern California reservoir earlier this month, the same team assisted in the discovery of 16-year-old Kiely Rodni's body.