Johnny Depp's fans tell Disney to APOLOGIZE for using Captain Jack Sparrow clip in Paris light show

Johnny Depp fans want Disney to issue an apology after the 59-year-old actor's face was used during a light show at Disneyland in Paris, France. A video from the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' light show, which took place over the weekend, has gone viral. A clip of Depp dressed in his iconic role, Captain Jack Sparrow makes an appearance during the showcase.
Fans are outraged at Disney for using Depp's portrayal of the character in their shows after he was dropped from the Pirates franchise following his former wife, Amber Heard's claims of the actor being abusive. The high-profile defamation trial between Depp and Heard wrapped up on June 1, with the verdict being largely in Depp's favor. He was awarded $15 million in damages after the jury found Heard's statements against him to be defamatory.
House Republicans channel their inner JACK SPARROW to 'celebrate' Johnny Depp victory
Johnny Depp's reaction to Jack Sparrow being mentioned at trial proves he's world's FAVORITE pirate
— Elisa (@deppressead) June 18, 2022
Depp's former talent agent, Christian Carino, testified on the witness stand that the defamatory allegations made by the 36-year-old actress cost Depp the job of playing Captain Jack Sparrow in the sixth installment of the Pirates franchise. When Heard's lawyer asked Carino if Depp had lost any film roles since he started working for the actor, he replied, "I would say yes. The next Pirates movie." He added that the reasons weren't explicitly specified but everyone was aware.
In his testimony, Depp said that he felt "betrayed" by Disney. "Having added much of myself, much of my own rewriting, the dialogue, the scenes, the jokes, I didn't quite understand how after that long relationship and quite a successful relationship with Disney that... suddenly I was guilty until proven innocent," he revealed. Depp fans are outraged that Disney would decide to use Depp's portrayal of Sparrow after the actor won the trial and the statements against him were found to be defamatory.
johnny depp talking about how he felt when he found out that he was being dropped from pirates of the caribbean because of amber heard’s allegations.
— b ✧⡱ (@j0hnnycdpp) April 25, 2022
“suddenly i was guilty until proven innocent.” #justiceforjohnnydepp
One user tweeted, "So @Disney you fire the man cause of BS allegations but yet here you are using his face and voice for your visitors!!!! This is disgusting @Disney", Another said, "@Disney now you should apologize to Johnny Depp since you all are blasting his image 'Jack Sparrow' in Disneyland!!!" A third wrote, "Can't believe they have the cheek. Utter shash."
So @Disney you fire the man cause of BS allegations but yet here you are using his face and voice for your visitors!!!!
— MISS Fabulous FAY (@fayvfreeman) June 21, 2022
This is disgusting @Disney #ThereWillOnlyEverBeOneJackSparrow#JohnnyDepp
@Disney Now you should apologize to Johnny depp!; since you all are blasting his image "Jack Sparrow" in DisneyLand!!!
— XpertWanderer👓😎 (@Xboxjedigamer1) June 20, 2022
Can't believe they have the cheek. Utter shash.
— Jo (@Jojomososweet) June 21, 2022
A fourth fumed, "#JohnnyDeppWon when is @Disney going to apologize? [angry face emoji] Especially when they are using his image for profit [angry face emoji]." A fifth said, "@Disney let us know if you need help to find those alpacas [llama emoji], hope you are also working on that apology letter." A sixth stated, "Shame on you Disney. You sacked him, yet you projected him on your castle yesterday! #johnnydepp #JohnnyDeppWon."
#JohnnyDeppWon when is @Disney going to apologize? 😡Especially when they are using his image for profit 😡
— 🍀Irish Grandma🍀 (@JoyfulGrandma) June 20, 2022
@Disney let us know if you need help to find those alpacas 🦙, hope you are also working on that apology letter.
— Diana Preethi (@DianaPreethi2) June 20, 2022
Shame on you Disney. You sacked him,yet you projected him on your castle yesterday! #johnnydepp #JohnnyDeppWon
— Amanda (@justamanda1) June 20, 2022
One user wrote, "Since #JohnnyDeppWon Disney needs to publicly apologize. #DisneyShouldApologizeToJohnnyDepp," another felt, "He is Jack Sparrow and the world loves him! As much as I [red heart emoji] this... @Disney you should publicly apologize to this victim of defamation & abuse." A third said, "All well and good but they STILL haven't issued a grovelling apology to the man. This won't make up for them ditching and leaving him out to dry when he needed your support and backing. #JohnnyDeppWon #JohnnyDeppGotJustice."
Since #JohnnyDeppWon Disney needs to publicly apologize. #DisneyShouldApologizeToJohnnyDepp
— 🇩🇴Dark Platanero🇩🇴 (@Andyblaze170) June 20, 2022
He is Jack Sparrow and the world loves him! As much as I ❤ this...@Disney you should publicly apologize to this victim of defamation & abuse.#JohnnyDeppWon #JohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohhnyDepp #JusticeServedforJohnnyDepp #JohnnyGotJustice #AbuseHasNoGender #MenToo
— Rando #99,999,999 (@Harrison_Conni) June 21, 2022
All well and good but they STILL haven't issued a grovelling apology apology to the man.
— RyanC (@AnotherLeedsFan) June 20, 2022
This won't make up for them ditching and leaving him out to dry when he needed your support and backing.#JohnnyDeppWon#JohnnyDeppGotJustice
One user asked, "HOW YOU USING THIS MAN'S NAME BUT REFUSE TO APOLOGIZE TO HIM????" Another said, "About time @Disney puckers up and does the right thing. If you're going to use Johnny Depp to keep selling merchandise and make $$$ money, you better apologize and give him his role back. Otherwise, you truly are pure hypocrites. #justiceforJohnnyDepp #justiceforCaptainJackSparrow." A third added, "@Disney a public apology would be better."
— sav⚠️ (@octomomsav) June 19, 2022
About time @Disney puckers up and does the right thing. If you’re going to use Johnny Depp to keep selling merchandise and make $$$ money, you better apologize and give him his role back. Otherwise you truly are pure hypocrites. #justiceforJohnnyDepp #justiceforCaptainJackSparrow
— Bradley Bjornstad (@bradbjornstad) June 21, 2022
@Disney a public apology would be better
— bulbasaur (@lordayisha) June 19, 2022