'Looks so staged': Presence of tampon applicator in Johnny Depp drug photos puzzles fans

As the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation suit reaches week four, photos illustrating Depp's drug use have surfaced and is creating waves of confusion online due to the presence of a tampon applicator in the photo. This $50 million lawsuit against Heard started when Depp accused her of defamation via an op-ed published by The Washington Post in 2018.
This trial began on Monday, April 11, and so far, has heard allegations of drug use from both sides. These allegations prompted the discussion of an image that points towards Depp's use of drugs. Four neat lines of cocaine, an ID card, a tampon applicator, a pint of whisky, and tobacco, among other things were seen in the image.
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There was also a Keith Richards CD, a skull and crossbones pills box that had the words 'property of J.D.' on it. This photo is said to have been taken almost a decade ago, in 2013. A Twitter user said, "It looks so staged, for one I doubt he’d just leave lines sitting there and are we really supposed to believe that Johnny Depp uses a tampon applicator to snort it with when he can just roll up a bill, lol"
It looks so staged, for one I doubt he’d just leave lines sitting there and are we really supposed to believe that Johnny Depp uses a tampon applicator to snort it with when he can just roll up a bill, lol
— Christine (@csk8119) May 5, 2022
This user could not believe the allegation and said, "You telling me johnny Depp sniffed cocaine through a tampon insert"
You telling me johnny Depp sniffed cocaine through a tampon insert😂 https://t.co/g80QVG3D8Z
— nobody (@isshaaabby) May 5, 2022
Stating Johnny is innocent, this user said, "I think Amber is forgetting that her sister and herself also love the COCO, infact they sniff it up with tampon applicators. You are overacting ms Turd. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #johnnydepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent"
I think Amber is forgetting that her sister and herself also love the COCO, infact they sniff it up with tampon applicators. 🧐 You are overacting ms Turd. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #johnnydepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent
— AmyNism (@TheRealAmynism) May 4, 2022
"I refuse to believe this is how Johnny does his coke" said another.
Another Tweeter with an opposing view said, "Am I the only one that noticed that @johnny depp’s cocaine tooter (straw if you will) is the end of a tampon applicator? I guess when you are a coke head, you gotta do what you gotta do "
Am I the only one that noticed that @johnny depp’s cocaine tooter (straw if you will) is the end of a tampon applicator? I guess when you are a coke head, you gotta do what you gotta do 🤷♀️ #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard @KEEMSTAR @johnnydepp pic.twitter.com/p9Xym9v1NO
— nancy sanders (@NSanders7291) May 4, 2022
A user jokingly suggested an alternate career for Heard. They said, "Since #AmberHeard’s career is probably over, maybe she can do YouTube life hack videos like using a tampon plunger to snort coke. Handy!! "
Since #AmberHeard’s career is probably over, maybe she can do YouTube life hack videos like using a tampon plunger to snort coke. Handy!!#DeppVsHeard #JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial #MenToo #AmberHeard pic.twitter.com/eS6ZjqiJLP
— Fa-Q (@jdemboyz) May 4, 2022
Stating a logical view, a tweet read, "why the fuck wouldn’t johnny depp use a straw or roll up a dollar bill lmao why would he use ambers tampon applicator"
why the fuck wouldn’t johnny depp use a straw or roll up a dollar bill lmao why would he use ambers tampon applicator pic.twitter.com/K9d9LT4qFN
— Christopher A. 🏳️🌈 (@rexermus_) May 5, 2022
However, this user said, "My brother legit keeps tampons in his car for nosebleeds lmfao".
My brother legit keeps tampons in his car for nosebleeds lmfao
— 💚Stoned Libra🏳️🌈 (@AStonedLibra) May 5, 2022