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Jimmy Kimmel had a wild interaction with Indian couple on arranged marriages: "You just wanted..."

Kimmel's behind-the-scenes 'arrange marriage' chat with an Indian Couple got hilariously awkward...
(L-R) Screenshot of Indian couple in the audience from behind the scenes of 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' as well as the TV show host (Cover Image Source: (L-R) YouTube | 'Jimmy Kimmel Live')
(L-R) Screenshot of Indian couple in the audience from behind the scenes of 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' as well as the TV show host (Cover Image Source: (L-R) YouTube | 'Jimmy Kimmel Live')

In 2018, Jimmy Kimmel, the 56-year-old late-night host, struck up a spontaneous and hilarious conversation with an Indian couple from the audience, delving into the concept of arranged marriages. Kimmel often chats with attendees during commercial breaks, as per The Things, leading to unexpected and entertaining moments. However, this particular exchange took an awkwardly funny turn, leaving both the couple and the audience in stitches. Kimmel initiated the conversation by asking the gentleman about his profession in Chicago. The man responded, "I'm in IT." Soon his wife also revealed that she was a "network engineer," to which Kimmel quipped, "Some kind of IT love." The woman then clarified, "We were an arranged marriage."


This revelation piqued Kimmel's interest, leading him to jest, "Oh, are you telling me that you need help?" Curious about the intricacies of arranged marriages, Kimmel inquired about their ages at the time of marriage. The woman replied she was 23, and the man was 27. When asked about the prevalence of arranged marriages in India, the woman noted, "Yes, like 90%." Kimmel humorously compared this to American practices, saying, "Here at ABC, we try arranged marriages. They are called 'The Bachelor,' and we are not giving just one, but a person a choice between 28 people, and that never works out," leaving audiences in hysterics. He continued, "So is it working out between the two of you?" The woman affirmed, "Very good," revealing they had been married for two years.

Screenshot of an Indian Couple chatting with Jimmy Kimmel behind the scenes of 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' (Image Source: YouTube | Jimmy Kimmel Live)
Screenshot of an Indian Couple chatting with Jimmy Kimmel behind the scenes of 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' (Image Source: YouTube | Jimmy Kimmel Live)

Delving deeper, Kimmel asked, "When you saw each other, was it like, 'Oh, great!'?" The woman candidly responded, "No, not initially," eliciting more laughter from the audience. Kimmel then questioned, "Who picks the person for each of you?" The woman promptly replied, "Mom." When Kimmel asked how her mother found him, the man explained, "We have a marriage bureau; they already have my resume, like what do I do." Kimmel exclaimed, "Really? So, you turn in a resume."


The couple elaborated that they submit "biodatas" and "pictures," then meet each other for an "interview" before deciding, emphasizing it's a choice, not a forced marriage. Then came Kimmel's final question, "Did you feel like you were young to get married at 23?" The woman responded, "No, I wanted to get married early." When he posed the same question to her husband, he replied, "I felt I was old enough." Without missing a beat, Kimmel wittingly replied, "Yeah, you just wanted some sex," leaving the couple momentarily speechless and the audience roaring with laughter. [Funnily enough, according to Esquire, Kimmel was honored with Variety's 'Power of Comedy' award; when asked, "What has being funny gotten you?" his response was classic Kimmel: "Sex. I didn’t get it with my face, that’s for sure."] 

Honoree Jimmy Kimmel attends Variety's 4th Annual Power of Comedy at Avalon on November 16, 2013 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Variety)
Honoree Jimmy Kimmel attends Variety's 4th Annual Power of Comedy at Avalon on November 16, 2013 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Variety)

The YouTube comments section was filled with reactions to this segment. One viewer wrote, "I loved how awkward the guy was and how Jimmy was trying not to be offensive." Another fan praised Kimmel, stating, "It’s so good to see that Jimmy is actually funny and kind. Definitely one of my favorite late-night hosts." Jimmy Kimmel's sharp wit and humor have long been recognized—not just by fans but by the industry as well."