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#Istandwithjoerogan trends as fans highlight host's anti-racism, anti-homophobia history

Controversial podcaster apologizes as Spotify pulls over 110 episodes, leading fans to start a new trend praising Rogan
Joe Rogan in a still from his Spotify exclusive podcast 'The Joe Rogan Experience'. (@joerogan/Instagram)
Joe Rogan in a still from his Spotify exclusive podcast 'The Joe Rogan Experience'. (@joerogan/Instagram)

Embattled podcaster Joe Rogan found plenty of support on Twitter as fans began pushing a new hashtag backing him over his Spotify controversy. Late on February 6, 2022, the hashtag #Istandwithjoerogan began trending, with fans tweeting good things about Rogan and hitting back at his critics. The hashtag came in response to Spotify's decision to remove over 110 episodes of 'The Joe Rogan Experience'.

The streaming service was forced to take action after numerous musicians such as Neil Young and Joni Mitchell withdrew their music. On February 4, the Obamas signaled they too were considering ending their relationship with Spotify. Rogan has since apologized for not just spreading debunked conspiracy theories, but also his use of racial and homophobic language, but the backlash continues to mount. 


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Many critics have called out Rogan's apology as "weak", but it appears fans are having none of it. They've now begun a digital campaign to back Rogan in the battle, which has gained considerable momentum after Spotify's CEO Daniel Elk defended the company's decision to keep Rogan on. "Even though JRE is exclusive, it is licensed content. It is important to note that we do not have creative control over Joe Rogan’s content," he said in a town hall meeting on February 2.


Elk did however draw a line, adding, "There are many things that Joe Rogan says that I strongly disagree with and find very offensive." Those words have been part of a concentrated effort by Rogan's critics to have him booted off Spotify. At the moment though, it's his fans who have all the momentum. As of February 6, #Istandwithjoerogan was one of the top trends on Twitter and gained a lot of attention. 

'Context is insignificant with the pitchfork brigade'

"I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of Joe Rogan. I don’t see eye to eye with him on everything but I can say this: I’d want someone like Rogan fighting in the trenches next to me," one person tweeted. Another theorized, "The attempted #JoeRogan takedown has nothing to do with covid or the n-word. It’s about the establishment that can’t stand people having regular conversations or asking questions outside of the approved narrative." One user commented, "It really is unbelievable that a guy with the character of Joe Rogan is the target of such a directed attack is disappointing. The man is worthy of everything he's earned, and I look up to the guy. Not racist at all, in any way."




Many users also highlighted the good Rogan has done in the past. One person tweeted, "#JoeRogan once had a guest on named Daryl Davis who is solely responsible for convincing 200 KKK Members to leave the clan including one top ranking member… surely if @joerogan was racist Daryl Davis would’ve known and called him out on it but nope!" Another user commented, "How is it racist to quote what someone else said? Context is insignificant with the pitchfork brigade. #istandwithjoerogan @joerogan You’ve nothing to apologise for." Another noted, "Joe Rogan gave Kanye West a platform during his 2020 presidential campaign when nobody else would."




Other users also hijacked the hashtag to continue attacking Rogan and those who supported him. While the battle plays out, Spotify is caught right in the middle. Elk's defense has forced the service's stock to tumble from $195.53 on January 21 to $164.41 on January 28. While it has recovered slightly, it is still way off from its January 21 figure. More worryingly, a large number of musicians and podcasters are now slowly walking away from the service.