'90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' Season 4: Nicole's mom 'resents' Mahmoud, says 'he's asking a lot of you'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Nicole Sherbiny's move to Egypt for her spouse Mahmoud has arrived, and in a preview glimpse from '90 Day Fiance: The Other Way,' she almost backs out. Would she be able to make a happy life for herself and her husband in a foreign land?
Nicole's journey to Egypt feels more genuine now that the big day has arrived, but she almost doesn't leave in a '90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' preview look. Nicole and her husband Mahmoud have some of the season's major red flags. Nicole claims she loves her husband and wants to be with him, but he has a few demands that she does not agree with. Due to her faith, he expects Nicole to cover her hair and body and refrain from touching men other than her father. Nicole previously lived in Egypt with Mahmoud, but things did not work out. But, the '90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' Season 4 star is giving Egypt another chance, despite her reservations. Nicole shares reservations about leaving Los Angeles and her parents in a preview look posted by People.
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Nicole's mother doesn't want her daughter to move
"I don't want to go," Nicole confesses to her parents. "I'm freaking out," as per People. Nicole expressed her amazement that the big day had arrived and expressed her eagerness to see Mahmoud. She is, however, concerned about living in Egypt because it did not work out the previous time. Nicole's parents, like Nicole's friends, are reluctant about her traveling to Egypt for Mahmoud. Nicole's parents had reason to be concerned based on her words.
"I'm not looking forward to living in Egypt. I know what it's like there, and I don't like it like I don't like the life there," Nicole informs her parents. Nicole's parents then expressed some of their concerns, with Nicole's mother claiming she resents Mahmoud because she believes he asks too much of Nicole. The '90 Day Fiance' star, on the other hand, defended her hubby, stating, "It's because I can. He doesn't have the option." Despite her reservations, Nicole feels Mahmoud is worthwhile. She doesn't appear optimistic, though, that she and Mahmoud will overcome all of their problems.

Why did Nicole want to divorce Mahmoud?
Despite her plans to relocate permanently to Egypt, Nicole said that she had requested Mahmoud for a divorce after trying to live in Egypt once and finding the cultural customs limiting. Now she's packing her belongings for a second chance at their marriage, despite the fact that she hasn't altered her opinion about how Mahmoud expects his wife to behave.
"Things started to fall apart," Nicole explained to the cameras. "I mean, we fought all the time about everything. We were married for 11 months when I told Mahmoud that I wanted a divorce. I canceled Mahmoud's visa application and I blocked him."
'90 Day Fiance: The Other Way' Season 4 airs Sundays at 8 PM ET on TLC.