Is Daffney Unger OK? Wrestling star's frightening Instagram live leaves fans in shock

Professional wrestler, Daffney Unger took the internet by storm after she did an Instagram live where she was seen reading something that could be described as a suicide note, while a gun sat nearby. As soon as people saw Daffney's live, concerns started flowing in for her all over the internet.
Late Wednesday, September 1, Daffney was seen on Instagram live reading an alleged suicide note while a gun was seen nearby. The frightening video saw fans and friends coming together to send help to Unger who was trying to be located via a welfare check.
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Many wrestlers came forward to support Daffney. Suyung posted, "please put prayers, love, good thoughts, and positivity towards Daffney right now we love you and care about you @screamqueendaff." Darius Lockhart tweeted, "I’m not sure what to do here guys. The situation with Daffney is absolutely heartbreaking to hear about and the last thing I would like to do at this time is to be offensive or act in a distasteful manner. Praying she is okay."
please put prayers, love, good thoughts, and positivity towards Daffney right now
— s ü y ü n g (@realsuyung) September 2, 2021
we love you and care about you @screamqueendaff
I’m not sure what to do here guys.
— Darius Lockhart (@DLockPro) September 2, 2021
The situation with Daffney is absolutely heartbreaking to hear about and the last thing I would like to do at this time is to be offensive or act in a distasteful manner.
Praying she is okay.
Maxine Swole tweeted, "Please keep Daffney in your prayers/uplifted please. Let’s stay positive, put those vibes out into the universe." Mick Foley tweeted, "If anyone has a way of reaching Daffney Unger, or knows her address, please help out. She’s in a bad personal place and is threatening to harm herself. My phone call went straight to voicemail."
Please keep Daffney in your prayers/uplifted please. 🙏🏾
— MAXINE “BETTER CALL” SWOLE ⚖️ (@SwoleWorld) September 2, 2021
Let’s stay positive, put those vibes out into the universe.
If anyone has a way of reaching Daffney Unger, or knows her address, please help out. She’s in a bad personal place and is threatening to harm herself.
— Mick Foley (@RealMickFoley) September 2, 2021
My phone call went straight to voicemail.
Fightful's Journalist Sean Ross tweeted a thread saying, "For those concerned about Daffney, emergency services have been contacted and sent to her most recent known address," and "I've been told emergency services have been dispatched to a couple of known addresses, and are still making efforts to contact her." He further updated, "Her family have been reached, and have her current address. She'd moved in the past couple of weeks. Police have been dispatched."

One fan tweeted, "Daffney was a hero to those of us who were the weird kids. A sweet soul. And has fought through some rough few years. Thoughts to her. This service is amazing... remember its there in the darkest of hours. #daffney." Another one said, "Daffney is a form wrestler from WCW and IMPACT Wrestling she was one of best female wrestlers who is a good soul she was talking about ending her life ...on her Instagram Livestream and it heartbreaking." While one wrote, "I can't sleep. Can't stop thinking about Daffney. Won't sleep until I know she's OK. Please please be ok."
Daffney was a hero to those of us who were the weird kids. A sweet soul. And has fought through some rough few years. Thoughts to her.
— Richy (@Venomeratt) September 2, 2021
This service is amazing... remember its there in the darkest of hours. #daffney
Daffney is a form wrestler from WCW and IMPACT Wrestling she was one of best female wrestlers who is a good soul she was talking about ending her life ...on her Instagram Livestream and it heartbreaking
— Demon Wolf ⛧🐺Hiveling (@JovanMalik1) September 2, 2021
I can't sleep. Can't stop thinking about Daffney. Won't sleep until I know she's OK. Please please be ok
— 🦂 (@conniebomaye) September 2, 2021
Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you or anyone you know may be considering suicide 800-273-8255.