Internet picks woman's side in her dispute with husband's friend over 'stinky sofa' sleepovers

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Internet users supported a woman who didn't let her guest sleep on the sofa where her pet dogs usually sleep. The scenario was posted by Original Poster (OP), u/TieFriendly107, in Reddit's popular 'Am I The A**hole?' forum where it received more than 7,000 upvotes and over 2000 comments.
The Reddit post titled "AITA for not letting my guest sleep on the sofa, because that's my dogs' place?" The OP wrote described the ordeal, the guest who is the husband of her best friend and her husband's close friend "was kicked out from home for being an idiot and asked if he could spend the night at our place."
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'Bob was complaining about the air mattress'
Then the OP went on to detail the scenario, "We have a comfy pull-out sofa in our living room, which is where our dogs sleep. They had separate dog beds in the past, but they hated it so they sleep on the sofa now. Because of that, I told Bob he can have the air mattress. He asked if he can sleep on the sofa instead and I told him no, because that's where the dogs sleep. Bob didn't like it, but accepted."

That's when the story went south and OP stated, "This morning, Bob was complaining about the air mattress deflating during the night and being so uncomfortable he barely slept all night. (I checked and the mattress was fine.) He also made some sarcastic comments to the dogs and me. My husband wants us to apologize to Bob for making him sleep on the air mattress. AITA?"
'Bob is being awfully rude'
One supportive user blamed Bob for his stinky attitude, "It does seem sort of silly to have an entire fold out you can't use for its intended purpose on the odd occasion because the dogs like it. That said, Bob is being awfully rude to folks who are doing him a favour so NTA." Whilst, another agreed and wrote, "Idk OP’s dogs, but I’d bet money they’d probably join Bob on the sofa. And also, I 100% would choose an air mattress over a pullout EVERY time. Pull outs are notoriously uncomfy. NTA btw, Bob can get over himself and his little passive-aggressive routine is uncalled for."

Another chimed in siding with the OP, "Makes me wonder what kind of bad behavior that got Bob kicked out in the first place. OP, I see this as a mixed blessing. Yes, it’s awful that this person gave you trouble over an air mattress, despite not having to sleep in a car or a shelter. However, at least he was uncomfortable enough that hopefully he leaves as soon as possible and this one time only thing doesn’t turn into a residency for Choosy Bob. NTA." Yet another user criticized Bob's behavior, "I mean, I bet that sofa smells like dog, I wouldn't want to sleep on it either way. And you know, it belongs to the dog. Imagine going to someones house and demanding to sleep on the dog bed. Agreed that Bob is being rude."

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