Internet backs dad who taught 12-yr-old son a lesson after he yelled at mom for doing laundry wrong

Children don’t know better and they often say things that rub people off the wrong way. Most often, the people that bear the brunt are the parents themselves. A Reddit user had an experience along those lines and decided to share his parenting dilemma, along with how he dealt with the situation. The user recalls how he had once seen his son scream at his mother about how his clothes weren’t clean. He says he made his son do the laundry for the entire family to get him to understand how hard it was.
The poster, a father of two, went on the AITA platform to say, “Well my kid needs to be punished and I thought of the best possible way to do it. I'm sending my wife to Mexico with her school friends over spring break. I'm going to work from home that week and keep an eye on the kids.” He then added, “It won't be difficult because I'm putting the older one in charge of the younger one. He will be doing laundry, making breakfast and lunch for both of them and making sure the kitchen and dining room stay clean.”
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The son, now 12, did not take well to being left in charge and had said it was not cool of his dad to make him work during vacation. The boy had apparently told his father, “He said yes it was a full-time job. I pointed out that his mother and I both have full-time jobs and still manage to do everything that he is whining about.”
The child, not happy with what the spring break would entail, went on to call his grandmother (the poster’s mom) to ask if he can stay with her for the vacation. She refused, but not before telling the father that he was being “cruel to her poor baby.” He had said to her that it was far less than what he had to endure with his own parents when he was his son’s age.
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Almost all of the users on the platform had given overwhelming support to the poster, and some had even taken to pointing out that it was important for the father to find out where his son was learning such misogyny from. A user said, “In addition to having him learn about the household tasks your wife normally handles, you also need to find out where he learned this behavior. Is he listening to incels on the internet? How could he possibly think yelling at his mother about his laundry was something he could or should do?” A user had also pointed out how there were many YouTubers like Andrew Tate, who were influencing the way children think, saying, “I'd hate to have to combat stuff like Andrew Tate ideologies and incel culture too.”
Another user also hoped that the father would prod at the issue to figure out why the son had chosen to act entitled. “I also would have a talk with mom and see if this is a regular occurrence, or if he snapped and yelled one time. 12 is old enough to know that it’s not okay to yell and belittle people. But it’s also young enough to get overwhelmed about one aspect of life, not have the emotional maturity or insight to know how to handle it, and take it out on another part of your life,” the user said.
Another Redditor had asked people not to read too much into this, with detailed experiences of how he had also been just as entitled as the child, but went on to know better. “I don't think this is some unique experience. I think sometimes kids are just a******s,” the user said.