'I Am Shauna Rae': Shauna expresses concern over age-appropriate Halloween costume

For Shauna, living life like an average 22-year-old is not easy. Because she looks like an 8-year old, people often tend to treat her as a child, when all she wants to do is live an everyday life. But that is much easier said than done.
While Shauna's tattoo artist and her blind date treated her with respect, it wasn't the same case across the board. With uncomfortable situations often taking place, Shauna's mother, Patty, can't help but come to her daughter's rescue, even though Shauna believes that she is more than capable of handling these situations herself.
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As Shauna and her family went out Halloween shopping, she explained how this time of the year is never easy for her, as finding a costume is always a problem. There are no age-appropriate options that fit her and the ones that do are made for children, which Shauna thoroughly dislikes.
While the store owner, Ronald Diamond, was forthcoming and took the time to find something for Shauna to wear, nothing caught her eye. He wasn't ready to give up, though, as he saw the situation as a challenge and truly wanted to help Shauna find something she liked and could wear for Halloween.
At the same time, Patty seemed to be vetoing certain outfits. As she explained it, she does this when she sees something that Shauna likes but might not fit her. Although Patty is aware that this makes her the 'bad guy', she stated that she is willing to take the heat, as it would be more upsetting for Shauna to find out that it wouldn't fit.
While children's costumes were a no, Shauna also explained that wearing age-appropriate costumes came with heavy judgment and scrutiny, as people often starred and whispered, making it even harder for her to embrace herself.
It looks like Halloween has Shauna caught in a crossroads. What do you think, will Shauna find and wear something that she likes? Or are her and Ronald's efforts in vain? Sound off in the comments below.
'I Am Shauna Rae' airs on Tuesdays at 10 pm ET/PT.