GOT7 reveal reunion comeback was in the works since 2021, wanted to reunite as 7

With the global K-pop boy group GOT7 finally reuniting after a year, fans are over the moon. The members turned heads by first leaving their previous agency JYPE, successfully transferring all the trademarks to themselves and staying together as a group. And now they are returning with much pomp with the release of their self-titled album ‘GOT7’. The boys also held a 2-day fancon over the weekend as they had missed their fans.
If their love for Ahgases (their fans) weren’t evident yet, in the press conference for the release of ‘GOT7’, Mark Tuan shared that the comeback was in the works since 2021, “We were prepping this since last year, we had this feeling of coming back, so I'm happy that it finally happened.” With all of the members also signing to different agencies, Jay B and Jackson thanked them as well as Warner Music for being fully supportive and making the reunion a reality.
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‘GOT7’ is an ode to the group and their fans
And while over the past few days Bambam and Ahgases have been making hilarious memes on the construction concept of the album, the GOT7 member shared that they chose this particular theme because it signaled a new house, a new beginning for them and that it was time for the seven to get together. This comeback seems to be an ode to GOT7 and their fans as even the eponymous title was selected to remind themselves how important GOT7 is to them.
The members were also pretty hands-on in the preparation of the album as they picked the songs, as well as the tracklist order. Yugyeom explained, “Because we know each other so well, we were able to do the best on the songs that are written by us.” The title track ‘NANANA’ made by Jay B is a song for fans and felt the most GOT7-like with Jackson comparing it to their past cheerful tracks like ‘Thursday’ and Page’. Youngjae described the music video for ‘NANANA’ as an invitation, as “going along with our album theme of construction, we are inviting fans to our new home and want them to have fun in there.”

The process behind the reunion comeback
GOT7 also added that they wanted to come back as seven to prove that they had not disbanded and that while evolving they did not want to forget where they came from. Jinyoung explained that despite everyone being in different countries and time zones, they could create the album thanks to everyone’s support.
When asked why they chose their own name for the album, Jay B shared that they needed to rebrand “and put out a great quality of work that we are proud of.” He also explained the trademark process of how GOT7 became the first K-pop group to own their own name, “Jung Wook from JYP helped a lot during this process. Even our lawyer said it is not this easy, so I really thank him for that. I could've done this process through a third party, but I just wanted to do it myself, talking and getting a signature from each of the members. During this process, I learned that it was not the easiest, but [it] made me appreciate the companies and staff who are working with artists and brands. Same for the units, and thanks to JYP, it was able to happen.”