'Spoiler King' Bambam goes all out as he teases GOT7 comeback month, new Ahgabong

Bambam has been on a roll as he has been dropping GOT7’s comeback spoilers almost every day now. And no one can stop him including leader Jay B. On April 17, Bambam held a fanmeeting in Thailand where he performed his solo songs, had Ahgases (GOT7’s fandom) do the GOT7 fan chant and even played songs like Mark’s ‘One In A Million’ and the group’s latest single ‘Encore’. He even praised Jackson’s debut at Coachella while also teasing him in true Bambam manner.
The Thai-born idol also had the time of his life as he kept giving several huge spoilers after just letting everyone know days ago that GOT7 had finished recording their songs for the comeback. Bambam had joked that since he had spoken in Thai he wouldn’t get into trouble as the rest of the members do not know the language. Well, he’s now getting bolder as he hinted at their comeback month, a concert, a sub-unit, a variety show and even a new lightstick.
Bambam gives comeback spoiler in Thai, 'Ahgases on their way to translate it' for GOT7
Thai actor Boun sings praises of GOT7's Mark Tuan as they prepare to work together soon
Bambam drops several spoilers for GOT7 comeback
During the fanmeeting, Bambam asked fans to give their suggestions for a new lightstick design as they were planning on updating Ahgabong, their lightstick. However, they would be keeping their official color, which is green, as well as the name ‘Ahgabong’, which is a combination of Ahgases and ‘bong’, the Korean word for lightstick. He also shared that GOT7 would soon perform ‘Encore’ as a group and that we would see an ocean of green light hinting at a concert. He was also more than willing to spoil the comeback date as he nodded when fans asked if GOT7 will come back in May or June.
On top of that, Bambam also decided to tease Jay B, the GOT7 member who tries the hardest to do damage control whenever the former drops any spoilers. Bambam talked about how he and Jay B were in talks about a BBam sub-unit. He further decided to get his leader in trouble. When a fan asked if the group would have new variety or reality shows like ‘Hard Carry’, Bambam shared that they need to ask Jay B since he is the one in charge of this particular task, hinting that something was indeed in the works if the group leader had been assigned to it.
‘Thank you so much our president’
Ahgases are having the time of their lives as no-filter Bambam kept spoiling GOT7’s reunion, “Bambam played Mark’s one in a million on his premium live, made ahgases do GOT7’s fan chant on his solo song, Gave so many spoilers about GOT7 comeback such as the possible month, new ahgabong, and how the seven of them met. Damn Bambam thank you so much our president.” Another fan added, “Only man I trust: Bambam.” One Ahgase joked, “Is bambam's role to be a spoiler king? I'm curious.” Another tweeted, “Ahgase: GOT7 comeback month - 5th/6th i.e May or June Bambam: Nods!! Its a chaos!!!” One fan posted, “Emotional damage.” Another Ahgase commented, “BamBam just out here trying to make us sad and happy at the same time.” One fan made a reaction meme, “Ahgabong ver 3 is coming me who still doesn't have ver 1 & 2: *crying*.”
Bambam played Mark’s one in a million on his premium live, made ahgases do GOT7’s fan chant on his solo song, Gave so many spoilers about GOT7 comeback such as the possible month, new ahgabong, and how the seven of them met. Damn Bambam thank you so much our president
— ava (@defsoulars_) April 17, 2022
Is bambam's role to be a spoiler king? I'm curious https://t.co/JgwcdUZsKH
— zaf (@got7cloud) April 18, 2022
Ahgase: GOT7 comeback month - 5th/6th i.e May or June
— 파비♥️ปาวี (@pviiig7) April 17, 2022
Bambam: Nods!!
Its a chaos!!! 😭💚💚#2ndPREMIUMLIVE_B_DAY3 #BamBam @BamBam1A pic.twitter.com/Px6rMYqtRI
BamBam just out here trying to make us sad and happy at the same time 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 @Jaybnotnow_hr
— Nokuzola 👑 (@nguniroyal) April 17, 2022
"ahgabong ver 3 is coming"
— kristel¨ (@bambammie21) April 17, 2022
me who still doesn't have ver 1 & 2: pic.twitter.com/mJ73ucT4St