Gas station worker removes 5 or more ‘I did that!’ Biden stickers from fuel pumps DAILY

An Alabama gas station manager is begging customers not to vent their frustrations over rising costs of fuel by vandalizing gas pumps with stickers that blame President Joe Biden for the ongoing crisis.
The stickers — which emerged across the country last year when the gas prices began to rise — show Biden, 79, pointing to the total amount of a fuel transaction with a caption proclaiming, "I did that!". Biden often used this catchphrase to tout his achievements ahead of the 2020 presidential election. The controversial stickers can be purchased on Amazon — a hundred stickers are reportedly selling for $9.99.
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While the aforementioned stickers on gas pumps have gained a lot of traction on social media, they are a never-ending headache for Perry Cagle, an assistant manager at an Exxon station in Athens, Alabama. “I take off five or six a day from our different pumps,” he told Huntsville news station WAAY. “I got one here, it’s the ‘I did that,’ and then they put it by the pump, and it’s supposed to be that Joe, President Biden, is causing the gas to go up.”
Cagle bemoaned that he has seen more of the stickers than ever before as fuel prices continued to surge in recent weeks. He explained that the stickers potentially repel some customers and puts his outlet at risk for corporate fines. “I have had one or two people come in here and complain about it,” he said, adding, “the point of the matter is it’s causing issues for us because we get points taken off if our corporate comes by and does inspections they do.”
Gas Station Manager on “I did That” Joe Biden stickers: “I take off 5 or 6 a day”
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 4, 2022
The embattled gas station worker pleaded with his customers to put the Biden stickers elsewhere. “Put it on your car, put it on your house,” he urged. “Don’t vandalize private property.” Cagle further noted that Biden doesn't stop for gas in Alabama and insisted that the stickers accomplish nothing. "Joe Biden doesn’t own this station, and he’s not going to come by and fill up his tank, and see that sticker and say ‘Oh man, I should’ve lowered gas prices today," Cagle concluded.
In northern Virginia, a different version of the sticker was seen showing former President Donald J. Trump pointing at the gas total and saying, "Biden did that." While the Biden stickers aren't a new phenomenon, the rapidly climbing gas prices seem to have made them more popular and easily available. The Boston Herald reported on the sticker phenomenon last fall, when the gas price was "only" $3.50 per gallon, the Washington Examiner reported.
I was driving today when I stopped at a gas station—and found this Trump sticker, pointing at higher gas prices that read: “Biden did that!” 😳🤦🏻♀️
— Danica Cho (@missdanicacho) February 28, 2022
‘Murica! 🇺🇸 Ain’tchoo got nuthin’ better to do with your time?! 😂😂😂#danicacho
The outlet noted how gas prices were already skyrocketing before Russia invaded Ukraine, and is now breaking records almost every week. According to AAA, the average national price of a gallon of regular gasoline was $4.065 Monday morning. The latest price is a steep climb from $3.610 a week ago, $3.441 a month ago, and $2.768 a year ago. Politicians from across the aisle have called on the Biden administration to restart the Keystone XL pipeline and increase domestic production, but the White House has resisted thus far.